Summer Style: Memorable Beach Outing With NEWSTIEN ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿšฃโ€โ™€๏ธ


We called our gathering โ€œNewstienโ€ because we wanted to hold a fun and memorable occasion for the two SPS (Special Program for Science) section, Newton and Einstein. We just wanted to have time with friends from another group before everyone departed. Our teachers supported us on this and that made the event special.

After the moving-up ceremony, my classmates decided to have an outing together before everyone leaves. Since some of my classmates will be studying in Cebu and one of us will be going to the US, before they can depart, we planned the outing as soon as possible. It was a rushed decision, but luckily everyone participated in making this event happen.


And that is when decided to meet at San Remigio Tomasa Beach in Monday by 8:00 AM, obviously taking into consideration the fact that Filipinos are always late so most of the folks were expected to arrived by 9 AM. To make it interesting, we settled on carrying food items or drinks according to the first letter in our name. However, searching things starting with K was not easy. So, I decided to bring marinated pork. I arrived at 9:30 AM since I'm also a Filipino Time myself (sorry for that๐Ÿ˜ญ)

When I arrived at the beach, I found 15 schoolmates waiting for others as they had already reached there before me. It was great seeing more than 30 people when both sections were combined despite some absentees. Later on, some of us slowly arrived while bringing their foods while, we, on the other hand, keeps on singing. I do enjoy music but I don't really sing I'm insecure of my voice, though I play some instruments. I really want to sing though since I found my favourite music in the list but I can't get myself to it๐Ÿ˜”


As time passed listening to them, me and my friends decided to go swimming while waiting for the pork to be cooked. We were hesitant at first because we were the first one to go in to the water but luckily some classmates followed us.


After a while, the newton advicer arrived and our classmates called us. When we got out of the water and decided to eat launch around 12:00 pm. We texted Einstein advicer because we're about to eat and she said it's fine because she has something urgent to do. Because of that we started eating the cottage is really big and was able to fit us all. While eating we were talking about renting a kayak in lapyahan. Later on the Einstein teacher arrived and we guide her to the table. After that we went there asking how much per hour they said it's 200 but luckily one of our classmates knew the owner and lend it to us for free.


After resting our boated stomachs around 1:30 pm, me and @ksunnixx tried kayaking. It's supposed to be our tree, but the other one is scared of the sun because she doesn't want to get sunburned, so we respect that and go ahead. It's my first time actually, and that was scary since we were already far away, and if we fall over, we will be dead because there's a lot of toyum or sea urchin under the water that we're currently in. I was panicking because the boat moved away from the shore as we tried to move towards it. But at the same time, it's fun and exciting. After some time getting used to it, we go back to the shore to rest, change clothes, and eat some leftover foods and cakes. As we were sitting and chatting, we decided to play Mobile Legend with our friends.


While others keeps on singing, one of my schoolmate decided to jokingly ask for ma'am ice cream through the mic(โ โ•ฅโ ๏นโ โ•ฅโ ). He said "mic check ice cream ma'am, choco" while we laugh it out, ma'am reply with fact that ice cream can ruin your voice but later on she did buy 3 containers with different flavours ๐Ÿ˜. We also let her sing her favourite song and the whole crowd was so supportive and shouting as ma'am started singing. Having teachers that can bond with us is so special, even though they are strict in class they like a family outside.


After that, we gather up to take a group picture together with the two lovely advisers who have been there for us to guide our ways. It was fun; we shared laughter until the very end. Later on, at 5 p.m., me and my classmates started preparing to go home, picking up all the trash and leaving the place as clean as it used to be. Since there's a lot of food left, we also pack it up to bring home.

When I returned, I discovered a sunburn on my skin, which I treasured as a memento of the conclusion of my junior high school experience. It's actually funny since I told myself that I wouldn't swim but my urge won in the end. But still, this โ€œNewstienโ€ event was so successful at breaking academic boundaries and connecting people together. When the sun went down, I understood those friendships were not going to be lost within the confines of our school forever.

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