Northern Cebu Bliss: Hagnaya Beach Resort


When the Commission on Election (COMELEC) conducted a seminar for teachers, they used to look for a place that gave a better impression to the teacher participants. This will be a motivating factor for the attendees to listen eagerly and attentively. They have chosen the Hagnaya Beach Resort.


I was so lucky to be one of those teachers who will serve during the election day. Aside from the fair services that are substantial to our country, the aesthetic venue was truly captivating. Hagnaya Beach Resort is one of those elegant resorts in Northern Cebu. I'm determined to join so I can have a chance to step on this famous beautiful spot that will surely give me an awesome experience.

When the seminar ended, I was having fun exploring the amazing views that this resort offers.





The first place that I loved to check out was their pool. We can see plenty of lounge chairs seen at every corner. It is so relaxing here, you can gaze at the green scene and the blue skies above while lying or sitting on their chairs. Swimming here is a memorable experience due to their fantastic swimming pool.





The Incredible Animal Statues

After being amazed at their pool, I was motivated to move forward where the different animal statues are displayed to be viewed by the public. These are appealing to the guests and they give an amazing visualization of how skillful and talented the Filipinos are when it comes to artistry. These were hand-made by the Pinoys. They added beauty and glamour to the surroundings.




The Amazing Landscape

I was having fun taking a pose in some of the landscapes I saw. The green scenery is relaxing and captivating. The bonsais added vibrancy to their landscape. I love how they crafted them and connecting with them will surely give you an awesome feeling.




The Guests' Room

One thing that has been looking for in the seminar is the guest rooms. Hagnaya Beach Resort has many rooms that provide comfort and convenience to the participants. These are comfortable, and fully air-conditioned with accommodating crews and employees. These rooms answered the participants' need to rest after a tiring seminar.



The Bar

This is a fascinating place to all the billiard fanatics. It is so cool to be playing here. They also displayed different kinds of drinks which are used to be ordered by nighttime lovers.

I have a memorable experience at their restaurant. It is pleasing and the theme is a unique blend of nature. I wasn't able to take photos of the restaurant due to my hunger 😁. Their food, if I'm going to rate its taste it's a 7/10.


My overall experience at Hagnaya Beach Resort was truly incredible. This resort is highly recommended if you opt to stay here in Northern Cebu.

That's all for this blog. Thank you for your time reading this and Happy New Year!

All photos are mine unless stated otherwise.

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