Merry Christmas Hivers, It is our day to celebrate our Christmas day and we hope we enjoy our Christmas 2023. So good day all of you Hivers, it is me again @mrpork, so let me welcome all of you for this upcoming competition on hive community and I am so greet full that I join this upcoming competition, for me it sounds exiting and more fun about this competition specially to all Filipino bloggers that are willing to win this competition, So good luck all of you!, I hope all of my memebers can win on this competition, and good luck to me, specially to my friends out there, prepare yourselves and lets begin what we did, what we do.

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So first of all I was just doing my homework at home, while I am searching some information for my homeworks, and maam suddenly chatted in our group chat because she announced for the competition in the hive community, so I was thinking what is it all about, and ms @indayclara said that this is a competition of all Filipino bloggers around the world, and ms @ suggested something about for me, like action filming because she know that I am good about Taekwondo, and I am thinking that how would it feel to be an actor? so I am exited more about it.

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So she let us barrow her go pro camera to have a better experience, she demonstrate all of how to use it, and I am more exited about it, when we test the camera it so very nice and more stable than a normal camera, so after a day, we start filming in the public market to look more real and I am more confident to act that has a lot of people in the environment, so we take a lot of shot to make it more perfect, even we have a lot of mistakes but we still want to continue it and make it more better.

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It was very fun to act like when you feel you are in the real movie🤣 and we cant wait to see the result, so when we review the videos that we take it so very very clear and more stable when we run, that's more exiting trip, so when the time we go to school we were just taking a good rest to have the energy for our fighting scene, we drink a lot more water to boost our energy, after a while we start taking agian, we were so tired about it because we have spent more time taking our running scene because we have a lot of mistakes but we just still keep on shooting.

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We start shooting our fight scene, we plan our action more, to master our moves and our face expressions to make it more better and more cool😉, ill been waiting this scene because I really like fighting action specially when it comes to Taekwondo moves, and more cool actions.

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So we take more than 20× to master our moves and act like we where hurt, until we master it and we practice our next action until we were done, after a while we were taking a rest again and plan a lot more so get this video more perfect and interesting, so after we were done all of our activities we were so very exhausted but atleast it is very fun, also some of our classmates doing there dance activities for this upcoming competition.

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So all I can say is, I hope that we will win this Hive Competition and specially to all Filipino Bloggers out there, good luck to all of us, and I hope our hardwork will pay off, but I am still okay even we can't make it to the top atleast we try and try and never give up, there are a lot of things that you must do in your life, don't waste your time and every moments in your life, because success is silence, there are many ways to get successful ways but you wont get success if you can't experience something hard, something struggle, something depressing, but all of this are just a begging, it is not an ending, fo your hardwork and you can sit down your throne.

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I think that's it for today everyone, I hope you all enjoy your day and still hoping to win this competition, and so, once again Goodluck!!.🥰

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