"Facing the Storm"


Early in the morning, as we opened the door, chilly winds rushed towards us. We looked up to the sky and saw dark clouds. A few minutes later, it started to rain—not just a normal rain, but a downpour.

Trees swayed in the wind, and leaves kept falling to the ground. Our clothes were almost blown away by the gusts. We realized that this wasn't normal weather. I grabbed my phone and checked the weather update.


I was shocked to learn that a hurricane named Ferdin was hitting some parts of the Philippines. That’s why we were experiencing this kind of weather.We didn’t expect it to be this bad because yesterday we only had light rain followed by sunshine.

But now, all we could see were dark clouds, and we couldn’t even finish our laundry or dry our clothes. All the firewood we use for cooking was soaking wet. Luckily, we had bought extra butane for future use.


Since we couldn't do anything outside, we spent our time studying. We have upcoming quizzes in different subjects. However, the signal in our area was poor, likely due to the wind.

This made it difficult to access our files or documents, so we ended up studying from our notes.Since my course deals with numbers, I practiced solving math problems, especially algebraic expressions, until I mastered them and memorized the formulas.

I also worked on improving my public speaking and reading comprehension, particularly in subjects related to history and development. I realized I struggle with understanding new words, and I’m not used to sharing my ideas or opinions with others.

I'm the kind of person who finds it difficult to express what’s on my mind and in my heart. I usually express myself through writing, so it's a bit challenging for me since my classes are more interactive, with discussions involving my classmates and teacher.

I'm an introvert, but even so, I still try my best because I know that, day by day, I will improve. It's just like a storm that passes by leaving an unforgettable experience, yet bringing a new, brighter day.

Even when the storm hits hard, I choose to keep learning. I don't want to end the day without accomplishing something. I aim to make each day meaningful and worth it.

Always pray to God, believe in your dreams, and keep fighting because with dreams, belief, and perseverance, comes success.

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