Insecurities kills silently

Good day hivers!

This morning after I was done with my morning routine ,my morning house chores as well ,I keep scrolling in facebook and the marites side of me is working again haha ,just kidding I just like looking some update of my friends in facebook especially for my family.I am happy seeing them posting their happiness and success in life.

Then I came to a shared post video ,it was a video of a girl who was having a big insecurities to other girls.And it came to the point that she did'nt notice that her insecurities silently killing her.She even does't want to look at her self in the mirror as she always comparing herself to others.She keeps crying all the time ,having a big question in her mind why do she looks like that.

And because of it ,I got this idea to write and share to you my insecurities.And how I overcome it.

My biggest insecurities

I grew up with a poor living life status ,my parents did everything to feed us and giving our needs but can't afford our wants.As a kid I got insecure with the other kids especially to my classmates,at the very young age I had that feeling ,a being insecure with that little things and I thought my insecurities will end by that but when I was on my teenage and adulthood I realize that I was different with some girls.

I am a girl but does'nt look feminine,I was a having a muscles in my arms and legs ,I even can take wearing sleeves because of it.

I was blaming our poverty coz at the young age I was working in the farm ,carrying those heavy things like rice and fire woods.It was not an easy job but I was thinking to help my family.

When I was working as a saleslady ,I always heared the painful words of the people around me ,they called me a body builder ,a gay ,and they called me the names of some sexy actors.

I ignored them but deeply it was really hurt ,I silently cried because of it and asking why I was like this.

Those words ,the name they called me was became a normal to me and that was I did to overcome my insecurity which is to accept me ,accepting my self who I am ,how do I looks .

I realize then that I need to accept it coz this is me ,I am pretty unique on my way.I may look different with others but I know that I am a special one.


Acceptance is one of the best thing to do ,accept who you are ,embrace all your flaws and put in your mind that God created a special you.

And that would be all for tonight ,thanks for reading.
See you in my next blog!


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