Who am I? Come along with me on a self-discovery journey!

Hello, everyone! My name is Rochelle Mae Navales, but you can call me Memay for short. To be honest, I really don't know where my parents got that nickname of mine (HAHAHAHAHAHA🥱). I turned 18 on the 15th day of November 2023, and I am currently studying at Naga National High School-Senior High as a STEM student, and this is my last school year because I’m a graduating student.

In my parents' children, they have 3 sons and 1 daughter, and that's me, the youngest. Being the only daughter in our family is really hard, especially with my older brothers, who have a significant age gap. My parents are very strict when it comes to going out with my friends. Sometimes, as a hard-headed girl, I sneak out when my friends have plans. Then, I ask for their permission once I have returned home and our outing is over (HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA).

During my grade 11, I met awesome people, namely Chuss, Maria, Justine, and Kate, who turned into my closest friends, and we named our group 'boridogs'. The group chat was created because of outings that turned into just drawing because some of us weren't allowed to go out. Having them as my friends is a treasure of mine, as they show me what real friends are for. They are the friends who have the patience to understand my mood swings, which I really appreciate. When I'm with them, I don't have to hide my attitude because they already know me.

They are one of the reasons why I enjoy school days, because every time we're together, they give me lots of laughter and share plenty of information or what you might call 'chika' that we will do😀. Every time we're together, I take many risks, like swimming without asking permission from my parents, and what I will not forget is that many first times I have experienced are because of them. However, I do not regret anything I have done, especially all those first times I have experienced with them.

Some of my hobbies include singing and dancing, although I'm not that good at dancing. I really love singing because it is my stress reliever. Every time I'm mad, I will just sing to our mini Bluetooth speaker, but I only sing in our house, not in public places, because I don't have any confidence to sing if there are many people. One of my favorite interests and hobbies is traveling, as I love capturing moments and tasting some of their famous foods. I love traveling because I want to explore, and my family also loves to explore.

One of my favorite hobbies is eating because I love it. Sometimes, it causes my allowance to become zero, but I have no regrets as long as I cannot feel hungry. There are sayings that money will be gained anytime, but memories will treasure, so I follow it. Besides, food makes me enjoy.


Because of my hobbies and interest in traveling, I have already visited Bohol, Boracay, and some tourist spots here in Cebu. This is one of my reason why I want to try blogging. I want to share stories and pictures I've captured, and document my experiences in every trip. I love writing about travel because I find it easier to formulate words and express myself when it's about travel.

I can contribute to Hive in multiple ways, starting by following the rules and regulations of this platform and by listening to those people who know more about it. I can also follow the tips on how to improve my blog, share ideas and knowledge through meaningful conversations, and support others by providing guides. I can also contribute by creating content that is original, informative and engaging.

I didn't know that this kind of platform existed until Ma'am @chimegipamus introduced it to us in our room and explained the benefits of joining blogging. When she first introduced it, I had doubts about joining because I thought it would be very hard to manage my time, so I didn't join at that time. However, when my classmate named Rosa Retubado @Dark.rose shared her experiences of joining blogging and its benefits, she also mentioned that it's easy and won't waste your time. All you have to do is write what's on your mind and capture some images. It's like your diary, and it won't pressure you as a student. As a travel lover, I realized that I wanted to join blogging because I want to share my stories and experiences from my travels.

During our orientation, Ma'am @chimegipamus elaborated more about the Hive community and its do's and don'ts. She emphasized that it is a distinct platform and as part of the Hive, it's crucial to be careful about what we write in our blogs. The orientation was not only educational but also entertaining because Ma'am @chimegipamus, in a nice and considerate gesture, gave snacks while she talked about and defined the Hive. The mood in the session was made pleasant for everyone by her kindness and compassion, which gave a welcoming touch. She also encouraged us to try out with various subjects and styles in our blogs so that our writing would always be engaging and relevant to readers. We left the orientation session with a thorough understanding of the Hive platform and with newfound motivation to create anything that benefits the community.

Let's remember to recognize and support each other's achievements. Our shared passions and experiences are what enhance the strength of our community.

Let's continue our conversation, continuing to support and share your stories and experiences. By doing this, we make our community stronger. We can all develop together and build a more lively and cohesive community on Hive by sharing information, ideas, and support. Your contributions are valuable and help enrich the platform for everyone.

I appreciate you reading over my introduction. I look forward to our next encounter. Stay tuned for more captivating stories and engaging conversations that will keep you coming back for more!

Hava a nice day!

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