Hardship makes the destination worthwhile


(The photo taken by my classmate)

Helloooo,hellooo hiver's! welcome back to my blog, today I will be sharing my experience in our very exciting event in our school where; students are showcasing thier skills, abilities, competitiveness and unity. This is the most awaited event that the students are anticipating for, and Im sure that those students who loves to engage themselve's into physical activity will rejoice in this sport fest event.



The sport fest spanned in two days, kicking off with a vibrant parade, featuring each grade's muse and banner, and wearing thier teams color to identify thier grade level. We marched alongside of elementary pupils carrying thier charming colored balloons which I find cute and adorable. We are wearing our team color which is violet. Supposedly our sport fest would be from friday to saturday but due to typhoon our principal decided to moved it on monday to tuesday. However, it is still has a bad weather but it is not a hindrance to continue our parade. Despite of the challenging weather we can still see the smile of every students enjoying the parade with thier friends and classmates and the unwavering enthusiasm of our twirlers and drumers who still plastered a smile on thier faces despite of the tiredness that we see in thier eyes.



After the parade everyone gathered in mini gymnasium to performed each teams yell. Also to witness the dance presentation of the twirlers and drums and the competition of the muse. I notice everyone is still in high energy with enthusiastic cheers for each representatives as if they are not in an exhausting parade a while ago. Unfortunately our muse representative didn't make it to be in the first place but we are still proud and deligthed for her because she secured the second place. After the program we returned to our rooms to have our lunch, gearing up the upcoming dance sports and various sports.


As the time past , the highly anticipated moment for the grade twelfth arrived—the dance sports. We are very excited to witness the dance skills of every representative, alongside of our advisers . Our dance sport representative had faced challenges as they only have a week and a half to practice. I witness there hardship, efforts, and tears due to tiredness also I witness thier determinations and how they lost thier hope because they are running out of time and they still dont have thier costume. Stepping in, I sougth help from our teacher, and thankfully, a supportive teacher found a solution. With costumes secured, there was no backing out —the show must go on!

The atmosphere inside the gymnasium filled with exuberance and enthusiastic cheers for thier representative as the dancers showscased a well—rehearsed dance. The figthing spirit of our representative makes us proud; upon hearing the music they didn't hold back and immediately unleashed thier best performanced without hesitation. They are proved to be small but terrible.

First they danced the cha-cha-cha followed by rumba and jive. During thier performanced if they will coincidentally faced us we will immediately point at them alongside to our advisers and echoed our enthusiastic cheers"figth, figth ,figth, figth".


After their jive performaced, our representative come near to us, as she reach our placed, and to our surprise, she fell, unfortunately one of our classmate caugth her immediately, and we automatically give her water and air so she can breath, we were in panic that time. I was standing beside her holding a plastic of salt and due to disorient I put a much of salt to her mouth. Surprisingly, she just took it hahahahah😂. I didn't realize it until we head back to our room, I was laughing while sharing that incedent to her and to our classmate. I didn't mean to put a salt in her mouth and by reminiscing that incedent makes me laugh about it.

She told us that her vision blacked out and her feet were aching after they pose for the last music, so she hurriedly come near to us luckily she didn't collapsed. After she receive some air, the emcee called the participants to be in the center of the gymnasium. She effortlessly stood up like nothing happened, she didn't show us signs of exhaustion. A true testament of resilience —she proved a remarkable brave woman.


The announcement of the winner will take place during the closing program of the event. As we head back to our room we are very loud cheering for them even though the competition has ended. We are unable to contain our excitement over thier performace. Each of us express our pride to them, commending them for thier excellent performanced and a job well done. Also I advised them whatever the result is, you guys give your best today, and dont set an expectation because it migth hurt us,it sound bitter rigth? but that's how I see it. What truly matters is they give thier best. Expecting too much can lead to disappointment and thats my perspective on it.


It was a tough at the same time enjoyable day for us. I came to understand that despite facing hardship and doubt throughout the process reaching the destination is always worthwhile. We cant called it worthwhile or succesful if we dont experienced hardship along the process.

The hardship, learnings and enjoyment makes our destination worth it . It always stamped on our mind the process we encounter along the way to our destination unlike to our destination because that makes the destination memorable. For me it is a historic event because of the process that I experienced and I have so many learnings, discoveries and realization until we reached the destination.

"The challenges we encounter during the process makes everything worthwhile"

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