A day to remember |Day 2 of our Girls Scout

Hello! Bonjour! Salve! Hola! Hiver's Its your melcakes and welcome to my blog. Hope your having a good day, and if your not, then let's set your mode into a wonderful one. Come and join me as I share my experience on our 2nd day of our Girls Scout.


We started our day 2 by waking up early at 3:00am.Some of my members are having their coffee, taking a bath and preparing the ingredients for our breakfast.

When I was in the door of our room where we sleep, I was hesitating if I should go out or not because as I stepped, the cold breeze of air brushing in my skin welcomed me as I saw my co-scouters busy in their designated tent doing their assignment’s.But, I decided to have a visit in each tent and have a small talk and jokes to them.


It’s another place away from our homes and still,I feel safe.Everyone is adjusting starting from their morning and their everyday routine. Some are not used to wake up early and do the chores but they are able to adjust quickly. We really feel that we are campers and independent. It really felt amazing seeing them helping together to survive as campers.


So when I woke up I immediately head to our tent which is a walk away from our room where we sleep. When I was already in our tent and the ingredients are already set to cook. I immediately put the pan to cook the food.


You will see the tent of everyone had a smoke because everyone is cooking even it is still dark.


I finished cooking immediately. After cooking we didn’t eat our breakfast since it is still early and everyone is afraid that they will be starved immediately if they will eat early.

While waiting for the time for our breakfast I ask my co-campers that it will be good that we watch the sunrise since the sun is slowly showing up and it’s not already dark. With out further a do,we head to the backyard of our school since it has the big view of the sun there.


When we got there our mouth formed into “o”😲 the view filled us with awe. We can’t help but to take picture of it and feel the moment while we are watching the sun fully showing up.


After we feel satisfied of taking pictures. We head back to our tent immediately for our breakfast.



For our 2nd day we had the community service and after it our troop leader give us the afternoon time to practiced our yell and drama for the campfire. After we practiced my members had their short sleep to ready their self for the night.


Look at them not minding the place where they sleep as long as they will have a sleep such a cute members hehehhe😍


When the night is coming we are cooking our dinner and had our dinner early since we will have our campfire early and every patrol group are required to give a bundle of wood for the campfire.


Once the wood was piled, everyone was gathered at the center of the ground surrounding the piled wood.


While the troop leader are putting a fire in the wood everyone sang a song “Campfire’s burning” and swaying their head and body.

After singing the action song every patrol group performed their patrol yell and drama. Everyone was enjoying the performanced.


As we performed I shouted loudly our patrol name even if my voice is not that okay and each patrol should have a drama about family.

Our drama was a family who had a conflict where the child saw her parents fighting because of dept and the husband decided to leave where the child was crying telling her father to not leave them. The day came, the child run to her mother crying and telling her mother that her stomach is aching and because of that the wife got panicked and call her husband to buy a medicine for their daughter and because of that their daughter find a way to get back her parents together. The couple didn’t let their family broken the story ended where the family are living happily in their house.


Kudos to my members despite the lack of practice in drama they still excel and had the best performance I only give them their roles, the conflict, solution and the ending of the story. The lines and actions are not practiced. They are really good in acting😍.Proud leader here💗 whohooo


After it, we can’t help to take a pictures together with my friends. I really love capturing the moments☺️

Everyone was entertained in each yell and drama. After it we sang a song again and ending the campfire with a wide smiles in our face.

This will be the ending of my experience in camping since I didn’t joined the day 3 of our camping.

That's it for today's blog my hiver's 😊.Thankyou for spending your time reading my blog, I hope you enjoy and like this blog.Always put a smile on your face,😃spread love💗,peace ✌️and kindness.See you on my next blog.🥰

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