I was judge by a family that I'll get pregnant before I get my degree.

Hello, dearest hivers! This is J, and I will share what happened during my May 28, 2024, graduation that is very dear to me. That is the day I can clap back to all the individuals who have judged me. My family wasn't supportive when I said I was tired of school; they would always suggest I stop my studies. Getting tired is quite normal in this life, right?

At the very young age of 16, I got my first boyfriend. My family was kind of strict, especially my grandmother. How would you feel that your own family would doubt you and downgrade you at such a young age? That's very open about telling you that you won't get your degree.And yet there's this one person from the start of my studies who motivated me to make those insults as motivation. And I know I am not the only one experiencing this type of scenario in life. But I did prove them wrong. Earning a bachelor's degree was not easy, as we counted 1, 2, and 3. Earning a degree is where every student puts up their lives for four years or more. Earning a degree is where I feel lost, under pressure, stress, and dilemmas.

Our graduation starts at 6:00 a.m. It's quite unusual for a ceremony to start, but here is why: Cebu Normal University has 3 external campuses: Balambam and Medellin. I'm studying in the Medellin, but due to the unmatched booking schedule of the complex and the speaker, the administrators decided to move it to the morning because they had graduation on the main campus in the afternoon. So here is where the schedule goes.
The teachers and students should arrive at the church at 5:30 a.m. Pressured and freaking out because I wake up at 4:10 am and the preparation always takes time, but I'm glad the ceremony did not start as I arrived at the venue.

The Bacaloriat Mass

This mass is very dear to all the graduates, as this is where the hooding ceremony would take place. I was so emotional as my parents placed the hod on my shoulder. I didn't want to cry; I have make-up, butI did as I hugged my parents, who support me financially and silently in my studies. Even though they aren't the perfect ones, I would still clap and thank them for the reason that I came from them, and I cherish them even with those arguments and insults. They are still physically with me.

The person who stood with me was also present in the ceremony, but before my graduation started. She did hug me and say, Congratulations! You have proved the person who doubts you wrong. Since the mass is too early, we have not taken breakfast, and after that, she did treat us to breakfast at the food place in the area.

Graduation Ceremony

I did feed myself three spoons only because, after the mass, we had already lined up outside the venue for the matching.

When I got to my chairs, I was excited, and I also prayed that my stomach wouldn't get upset because I get up so early and take a batch as well. The administrators were introduced as well as the guest speakers. To officially start the event, we sing the National Anthem of the Philippines, which is Lupang Hinirang. After a lot of talking, the president announced to us graduates that we have the right to claim our privileges in our chosen degree. I don't know because, as much as I want to graduate, college was really hard to dive into. And I can't believe that I did become one of the people who will graduate with Latin honors.

By that, I was so proud of myself that I could take my parents with me to the stage to make me wear the Cum Laude medal. My aunt was so supportive as she captured and continued to capture the moment. As we have shaken hands with the officials with their congratulations, I feel so honored. Furthermore, after the medals, we once step onto the stage to claim our diplomas and TOR. Both the diploma and TOR were released during our graduation. The guest speaker also congratulated us with a cup and 500 pesos in cash. And we indeed concluded the ceremony with our last song of our beloved alma mater, the Cebu Normal University Hymn.

After that, we proceed to the stage and take our class picture. And proceed to our perspective, family. My significant other was also there, as he handed me a big flower bouquet, and my aunt, who handed me a bouquet of chocolates, was my favorite!

My parents aren't that showy towards their affection to us, but I know that they are very proud of me, and as for the person who insults me, we remain civil.

A message to myself

Dearest Jessiel

I am very proud of you that, after 18 years of going to school, we have officially made it. The rants and breakdowns are worth it because we have our degree now. Glad that we remain strong even though we are tested by those life obstacles and continue to stand. Others may belittle our degree because it's a non-boarding one. In our hearts, we know that it's a hard one to achieve, and we are proud of it, and that's what matters. Others may downgrade us, but the important thing is that we don't let our spirits down. As we welcome new responsibilities in the adulthood world, we will become the official breadwinners in the family. Glad that we didn't get pregnant, as others say. But there's nothing wrong with getting pregnant, as we all know, as long as we are ready to embrace the responsibilities. And as we continue to find a job to land because we are officially professional tambay (unemployed), let's still continue to move forward as long as we stick to our goals because Chapter Oneof our adulting journey has officially started.

Thank you for being with me on this blog, people on Hive.

Adios, Hivers!

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