Finding Treasure in a Thrift Store

When you're looking for a particular cloth you need, sometimes a thrift shop offers it.

It's like a gamble to have such a business, but when you're a buyer and have the patience to go over all the things inside a thrift shop, for sure, you'll find a treasure - be it branded or shirts that are still good and seemed to have just worn once.

Here's my experience that I narrated in a poem.

Various colors and brands fuse
In a crowded yet considered treasure
Blue, red, neutral colors - you choose
Exploring everything in it gives a different pleasure.


The signage says fifteen pesos
I, for one, grabbed the chance
Some were really old in some instance
Yet, some are still nice, like a rose.


The first one that really caught my attention
Is the striped green long-sleeve with just a little stain
For a very low price, it's really like a fortune
I grabbed more, and there's a feeling I can't explain.

More and more people are getting inside
Here and there, they explore the store
The only problem is it's hot, and the space isn't wide
But once you see something you like, you'll want more.


One, two three, four - I grabbed four long-sleeves in one corner
And as I went to other corners, I got one shirt for my sister
A few minutes more and I saw pants for my father
All in all, I have chosen six and I feel like a winner.

With the six clothes I bought, I just paid ninety.
As I give my payment, I feel very happy
Not only was I able to choose good ones at such a low price
Undoubtedly, I was also pleased - I promise, no lies.

If only I have more budget for it
I might have bought more clothes in the thrift store
But anyway, there are still other times - just worry a bit
Since people are really fast in choosing and getting more.
Indeed, a thrift store isn't just a mere inexpensive shop
If you're lucky enough, you may even get a branded product
Just be patient when exploring and finding what you like
Expecting too much may induce disappointment to rise and hike.

Truly, it's fun to enter such a shop, especially when you go out with some shirts, pants, or anything that suits your interest that you decided to buy. That's it for the short poem. How about you? What is your thrift shop experience?

Words and Photos by @McJulez

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