Under The Heavy Rain Without Getting Wet, How's That?

We had a church activity with the youth last Saturday, August 12. Since the venue was quite far from our place and we had a few extra seats available, my nephew invited anyone who wanted to have a ride with us. They were the first two young men at the left and the last boy at the right.

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At another table, my nephew's daughters and I were seated.

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After eating our meal, we were ready to go home together with the same young men who went with us earlier in the morning.

We noticed there were dark clouds and so we were expecting there will be heavy rain again at any moment. A few minutes later it began to rain until it became so heavy causing much traffic and flooding where some cars were submerged halfway in the water. While in the car, we could feel the strong splash coming from other vehicles as they wade through the water. It was as if we were riding a boat on a shallow sea.

To pass the time, and since they were like family to us, we got the chance to talk and bond with them until they fell asleep.


First, The Opportunity To Serve

Initially, they knew that they will only be until our house and will commute back to their homes, just like what they did in the morning when we went to the activity. However, because of the circumstances, my nephew decided to drop them off at their respective residences.

Second, The Unexpected Short Road Trip

Since they live farther than us, we seldom go to their places and in some areas, we have not been there yet. Because of my nephew's decision, we had a chance to have a short road trip or "suroy-suroy" in the Cebuano dialect or "gala" in the Tagalog language which we really enjoyed. We were like under the heavy rain, without getting wet.😀

Luckily, the rain eased up, and had a clear view of some elevated areas. We also got to see the interior part of a subdivision that had two more subdivisions inside.

For me, our experience last Saturday was an accomplishment. First, we attended a church activity, had lunch together, and bonded with the youth, and helped them to be home safely despite their lack of preparation like bringing umbrellas, etc. We enjoyed visiting a few subdivisions and got to see its interior.


Every act of kindness or service gives comfort and happiness to others that makes one feel good and desire to do more good.

Thanks for this opportunity to join this contest. Until next time.

Take care!


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