Introductory Blog: The Bits and Pieces of My Personality


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Hello, Hivers! I'm Yoyet Lintag, from Cebu City. I have a disability (PWD) and am a stay-at-home Auntie who loves baking, decorating/designing, and organizing things. I'm not fond of writing but thanks to @me2selah's invitation; I became interested and realized it is a great way to express myself and at the same time create a family history. Here I am, writing my first blog. In this community, I would be sharing my experiences, circumstances, and activities that help shape my character and personality that may enlighten, inspire, and strengthen others.

Physical Disability: Sign of Weakness but Shows Character Strength

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My physical disability limits me from doing some things I want to do. Still, it certainly does not limit me from building my character strength like resilience, integrity, and humility to name a few. It cannot be denied that there are things I can't do like dancing and wearing high heels but I can always choose to be happy regardless of my circumstances. Happiness does not only come from the abundance of wealth or anything but true happiness comes from what we choose to feel inside our hearts and how we regard the events of our life.

I Have a Special Role in our Home

My nephew and his wife are always busy with work and church callings. Being a stay-at-home auntie (single) enables me to be their support and makes me feel like a Mom too. I take charge of our food and anything about the kitchen, and help their youngest daughter with homeschooling, and her speech therapy sessions. When they are not around, I am also responsible for the office answering calls and inquiries, and attending to those who come around. They don't need to worry about their children's needs and safety while they are away.

Hobbies That Give Opportunity for Service

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Depending on what you are making, baking can be exhausting. However, I always agree with what Anna Olson, a well-known vlogger said: "Baking is done out of love, to share with family and friends, to see them smile." Bringing something for a family or church gathering is a gesture of thoughtfulness that delights the heart especially that Filipinos love to eat. As an officer in a children's organization called Primary, I volunteer to make DIY props, decorations, and projects that add color and excitement to an activity.


Coming from different walks of life and sharing one another's experiences and views creates a connection in this community and I'm grateful for being a part of it now. I look forward to reading your blogs and learning from you all. Thank you.

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