The Journey of my life on this Cruel but Joyful World, Welcoming surprises along the way

My life’s journey started when I was three years old. At that time, I can really say that I already know what’s happening around me. I grew up in a place where hardship is just normal. I can see all the people surrounding me are striving hard to survive in cruel world. But for me, It’s nothing. I was just a little kid and just wants to have fun every day.


Back in the day, I can still remember when I woke up in the morning and I see my dad working his ass off just to provide everything for me and my mom. He is a baker. But when we say baker, you’re working on a bakery, right? But my dad is something opposite. He works only in our house and he made an improvised burner. It is made of cement and it look like a cave if you look at it. My dad was very known for his so called “Cheese Bread and Siopao” it’s his masterpiece. The people really love his bread so much that even the students from the school near our house really visits and really buy some of the cheese bread and siopao of my dad. I can still remember some student back in the day, whenever they buy to my father, they will pass by onto me first and kiss my cheek because as they say that I can’t really forget “You’re so cute, I really want to pinch your face every day.”


Well, that was my childhood life. It was fun and very memorable to me. I know that at that time, I can’t feel the hardship that my parents are enduring. Specially, when my Five sisters were born. 2nd to me is LYNELVIE MAGHUYOP, 3rd is LYKA CHYNNA MAGHUYOP, 4th is LYNCHEE MAGHUYOP, 5th is PRINCESS SUNDAE MAGHUYOP and last but not the least, LLANA MAGHUYOP. These five girls are the treasures of my dad and mom. So, the hardship quadrupled. I can really see that my dad was really struggling at that time. But I really admire my dad. Because, even in the state of hardship, he remains calm. I never heard my dad shouted to my mom or to us siblings. Life was hard that time, but one thing was for sure, they are happy to have us in their lives as their son and daughters.


As time pass by, I became old enough to help my parents on their small business. In the morning, I help my dad on preparing the bread before it puts to the improvised oven/burner. As we work together with my dad, I can’t really forget all the advices and teachings that he shares to me. Every morning as we work, he doesn’t get tired of sharing good advices and teaching to me to become a better and a good person. I know that he’s doing it to prepare me for the upcoming battles that I will face in this cruel world.


When I step up to High School, there were a lot of struggles in my end. But life must go on. I was really struggling with my High School life. Because I was being bullied by my classmates because they are saying that I’m a poor kid and I don’t have nice clothes and nice shoes to wear when I go to school. It was really devastating, but I stood my ground and I just ignore them. Because I know that they don’t really mean it. They just want to have some fun. As my father told me “If they bully you, have pity on them and just ignore them. Because you don’t know what they are dealing in their homes.” So, every time they bully me, I just smile and just walk away.


In the long run, all of the bullies became my friends. You know why? Haha, This funny for sure. They became my friends because they ask for answer on our quizzes and exams to me. In short, I was the brain of the group. I can still remember, every time I go to school, I don’t eat breakfast anymore because we don’t have money to buy food for breakfast. But when I arrive at my school, my bully classmates always ask me if I have already eaten breakfast. To cut story short, they provide me food for breakfast and also lunch. In exchange of the answers in all the quizzes. HAHA. Funny, because if I fail, they will also fail. But I’m happy to say that no one in our group failed. So that’s it, I graduated with no honors. You ask why? Because instead of studying, I go with my bully classmates and we play and talk all the time. That’s why. But of course, I still ensured that I will pass and I will graduate in high school.


There was a time that I saw one of my bully classmates, and he said “If not for you, I will not graduate in high school. Thank you so much for all the help.” And I replied, no! Thank you for all the food that you provided for me. HAHA. And we laugh. So, after graduating high school, I know that my parents can’t really afford to bring me to college. So, I felt so down and I was angry at my parents. Because, I blamed them for our very poor living. But in the end, I realized that it’s not their fault. I realized that I need to strive hard and work my ass off so that I can support myself with my studies. I worked in a computer shop for like 2 years give or take. And all the money that I gain in my work was put in a safe place. But, as we all know, life here in this cruel world is not easy. There are a lot of challenges that past my way. You know, when you’re a teenager, you’re easily taken in. I met a lot of personalities that I haven’t encountered on my high school life.


I made friends with different kinds of people, some are drunkard and some are drug addicts and most specially, computer addicts. As I have said, I worked in a computer café for 2 years. Well, to cut the story short, I’ve tried all of the pleasures of the world. And it was not good for me. Because I was losing focus on reaching my dreams. So, what I did is that I joined a choir in a Christian Church. Oh, I haven’t mentioned that I was also funned of playing the Piano and Guitar. Also, I love to sing too.


The Church had a big contribution in my life, it made me realize that all I’ve done in my life after graduating was really not good for me. And there, I was again focused on reaching my dreams. I felt like I had a purpose in this world. And the only thing to do is to do the right thing. So, I continued to make money by playing and sharing my talent on that Church. The Pastor gives me financial assistance every Monday. And it is called “Love Gift.” I was so happy because I can really see that I really did help the Church to have more servants and followers and believers. Because music really helps a Church and it has a big importance.


For 3 years serving the Church, I decided to enlist in the army. Because I thought that it was my gate pass so that I can surpass poverty. And also, I was thinking that if I become an army officer, I can help my family and I can provide for them. I can buy all the things that they want. Without any doubts, I travelled to ZAMBOANGA CITY and there, I enlisted. I stayed at the camp for 2 years. I was working in the camp for free for almost 2 years. As they call us, “Strikers.” Strikers are the one’s who work a lot in the camp without any pay. Our only goal there is to be noticed by the superiors. Because if they did, they can help us on applying and they have the power to make sure that we’ll be enlisted. So, I did all my best to be noticed. But sad to say, I didn’t have the luck. I was so discouraged at that time. I felt so down and low morale.


I came home to our home place called MARGOSATUBIG. It’s in ZAMBOABGA DEL SUR. I told my parents that I didn’t have enough luck to become a soldier. But my dad motivated me to apply again in PULACAN, PAGADIAN CITY. It was much nearer in my home town. But the problem at that time was that I don’t have any money to pay for the fair to go to Pagadian City. But I didn’t lose hope, I made a way. There are some fish carrier trucks that goes to Pagadian City every morning, So, what I did is that I ask the driver and the owner of the truck that if I can ride at the back of truck? Lucky me, the owner said yes. That’s it, every day, I do it for almost 6 months. Because applying in the army is really not easy. But sad to say, I don’t have luck still. My name was erased at the final call of the enlisted personnels.


Again, it broke my heart that time. But I didn’t give up and I decided to stay on my uncle’s house in AURORA ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, because it was much convenient to stay there. So, I did. As time past by, still, I wasn’t able to enter the army. At that time, I decided to stop applying. But, I still I stayed in my uncle’s residence. Well, in this place called AURORA, there are a lot of gamblers. Poker players, cockpit gambles, Mahjong players and a lot more. There was a time that I met a Poker player. His name was JULY ARCHIVAL. We talked a lot of things in life. He was very persuasive and he is really good in talking to people. As we talk every day, we became friends. But that time, I don’t have a lot of knowledge in Poker, But July was a master. He was a Poker dealer and also a Poker player. To cut the story short, He taught me everything he know and I became good at it. And I was so happy becoming a Poker dealer. Because I make a lot of money on my own without asking money on my uncle.


There comes a time, that we talked about college life, then I asked him, did you already have your college degree? he said, yes, I did. He asked me, do you want to go to college? I laugh and said, “Do the school allow students to pay 500 Pesos for enrolment fee?” Without any hesitation, he dragged me a brought me to the office of the school. Without knowing that he was a School President for four consecutive years. I was shocked and amazed. Because all the people surrounding us, knows him very much. So that’s it, no questions asked, I was enrolled at WMSU ESU AURORA Z.C.


At first, I was very nervous. Because for a very long time, I was able to go back to school again. It was kind of awkward but in the end, I manage to control my fear and faced all my classmates. And I introduced myself. I really can’t forget how I said the introduction. It goes like this, “Good Evening everyone. I believe that many hands can make light work. So, let’s be friends and face all the works and challenges they give us be light for us. I’m LYNIVER DOMINGO DE VERA MAGHUYOP, speaking in front of you. I hope that all of you become my friends. Thank you so much.


That was my introduction to the class. Well, as we all know, college is much harder that high school. Right? It was much harder for me, because I work in the evening from 9pm to 4am in the morning as a Poker dealer in a Poker house in AURORA. It was really hard for me, because I need to wake up early in the morning to clean at the house of my uncle. Of course, I need to help with the house chores because I live for free. But finally, I decided to move on my own. I rented a small room where I can sleep all day long after work and also, I can do anything that I want to do. Colleger life was fun and hard but in the end I survived. I graduated in college with the degree of BSED-(ENGLISH).


Life was hard when I was studying but with the help of many good people in AURORA, I survived all the hardships and challenges. Specially, the very important person in my life that had a huge contribution in my studies. Not just financially but also, moral support and emotional support. I am very thankful to God that He gave me a very loving and caring woman Crizalo Colon Maghuyop. Who’s now the mother of my two kids. Lexzy Dominic Maghuyop and Lyzxh Dominic Maghuyop. Now, I am a father of two lovable kids. I am currently an online VA and I am very happy and contented with my life. It was a long journey that I encountered, but I know that there’s more to come in the near future. Whenever or whatever may come or cross my way, I’m ready to deal with it.


Thank you so much, and that’s the Story of my Life. I hope you support me in this platform guys. Hoping to be your friend here.
Also Thank you so much to @vinzie1 and @wittyzell who onboarded me on this Hive community.

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