‘Hey Siri! Pls play WTML by Simple plan’

Olla hive hoomans!! Been missing a lot these past few weeks. I suddenly lost my appetite for everything. Sometimes I think that I have nothing in what I used to say that "I can do it". There are many things running through my mind that I can't seem to finish and hide from whatever it is. Perhaps I could no longer take care of myself, I became careless and preferred to stretch out as time went on. Yes, I'm happy when I'm at school. There I didn't feel tired and sad because I was just laughing, maybe I was with them (friends) and even unexpected friendships I met in the jeep, vendors, even the guard who was always angry hahaha but why is it that when the time comes for me to go home alone, while walking down through the dark corner towards home, everything just comes back to ask me if "are you really happy?". I’m slowly going back into the dark place I fought so hard to get out of.

No one would probably be able to relate to me because this emotion was only a small portion of what they could see on my face.

My sister once questioned whether or not I actually needed a friend to talk to. She didn't expect and wasn't ready for things like having to walk alone on campus, eat alone in the canteen, have no one to go home with, and most importantly having no one to talk. She seems to find it challenging to keep up with what is going on around her because we attend different schools and I'm always gone from home or perhaps because our schedules don't match , she sometimes feels lonely and needs someone to chat to and finds it challenging to attend school every day. She told me that it's always exhausting to be alone and that she doesn't want to go in, but still she made the decision to maintain her strength because she had no other option.


When life deals with my love ones a poor hand, I always inspire and motivate them to keep going. However, the sad truth is that sometimes I'm not even sure how to go on. Then i realized that..

This world and life are uncertain, and mental health problems can arise at any stage of our lives. No matter how prepared we are for bad times, this problem can make us cautious. The problem with mental health is that if we don't treat it in time, it can get worse and lead to many other problems. Many mental health problems have been documented, and unfortunately, suicide rates have exploded due to a lack of information and social neglect.


Personally, I am a little anxious; the future is uncertain, I strive daily to become an adult, I have family concerns, I feel pressure from society, and other things have affected me. My sister and I are simply one of the millions of people who have experienced daily terror and adversity. It's normal to feel empty, to cry, to endure the pain, and to feel lost while searching for answers to your questions.


(This picture was taken last month at bago city, I love sunsets since it always reminds me the importance of taking a moment to reflect on our lives and appreciate the beauty of the world we live in.)
Although life sometimes slaps us with chaos.

Anyone can experience mental or emotional health problems, and over a lifetime, many of us will.
It may not be easy, but there is someone who is ready to listen to all the cries of life because each of us deserves to feel valued. Let this be a reminder to all people going through circumstances in daily life that no matter how hard you understand yourself, you can always find a way to cope. So be kind and understand everyone's individuality. Together as a community, we can fight ignorance and heal ignorance to raise mental health awareness.

Thankyou for reading this post, I appreciate y’all hive hoomans, keep on fighting!! Lovelotss!!🫶

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