Blue Coffee Tuesday



It's a little disorienting being in quarantine. I wake up everyday in what seemed like it's the same as the day before. I will drink coffee, finish my morning routine and start writing to create content for #hive and other assignments that I set out to complete in the next few hours.

Then lunchtime comes, I prepare a wonderful meal, have a little siesta and then back to my work until the end of the day, when I will prepare dinner, eat, have a little chat with family and friends and turn in for a well-deserved sleep. Sometimes, I sprinkle in a little television viewing, here and there, or maybe, watch a movie, and the day seems a little different.

All in all, I won't even remember what movie I watched or news channel that I viewed because all of it seemed like déjà vu .

It's like Bill Murray's "Groundhog Day" or Tom Cruise in "Edge of Tomorrow" with the day rewinding and me being aware of what has happened already. It's a mind-game that people have to deal with regularly. Luckily, I have my outlet. Blogging on #hive keeps my sanity intact and hopeful of what is yet to come.

Carpe Diem
For what it's worth, I have no regrets about my life. I've lived the life I set out to live and made the most out of it. I decide based on the cards dealt to me and make the most out of it. In short, I cannot blame anyone else for the success and misfortunes I encounter in life.

The thing is, I used to get easily irritated and complain about everything: the traffic, the weather, the politicians, the neighbors, my wife, the poor service at the restaurant, the slow jeepney driver who stops at every corner and manages to make me late for an appointment even if I left the house early.

It's a terrible attitude that I've managed to confront and become aware of. The hope is to be completely worry-free in this life. To laugh and tell stories with friends and family, to do a good job at work and be a helpful neighbor in the community. On top of that, I want to be a positive light onto the world, whatever that means. And to follow in the footsteps of the many great and beautiful human beings that have walked the earth.

I wanted to talk about coffee, but got a little sidetracked. Have a lot on my mind lately and it has been wandering into different topics and subject matters, much like what happens in meditation.

So, the story goes that coffee was discovered by an Abyssinian goat herder named Kaldi who was awoken one night with a little commotion. He went outside and saw his goats dancing around a tree with red cherries. He tasted the red cherries and started to dance himself. End of story.

This is the popular legend of how coffee was discovered in Ethiopia in the old days. But I feel that the reaction when one drinks great tasting coffee is the same: to dance with joy in your heart.

Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay

Feeling a little blue
It's sad to see all the negativity outside and the quarantine restrictions have made it difficult to do fun things, but there's hope. When everything else fails, seize the day, find great coffee and dance with joy in your heart.

Thanks for dropping by to read my post. Wishing you a great day ahead and be mindful of the blessings we continue to receive. Carpe diem!

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