The exam are over and the result is.....

Phew! Finally, the exam is over and today is the day to see the result, it's the moment of truth! HAHA But before that let's see first how the exam went.


Day 1

The first day is so stressful because my seatmate had such a long neck! Our distance is one seat apart but his neck and eyes can see my papers even if I am already covering my papers with a folder. But instead of telling the teacher, I taught him a lesson 🤭.

When the test paper arrived on my desk I used a pencil to answer. But instead of writing the right answer, I write the wrong answer. And this seatmate of mine copied my wrong answer 🤣. So at that time, I can't stop laughing in my mind, HAHA and at the same time, I feel a little guilty. Then when I finished answering I got my own and write the correct answer. HAHA

And just this morning the result arrived and his score is low as expected! I don't know if I will laugh or not but it is his fault though. Right? It is not that I want him to fail the exam I just want him not to rely to copy others answer often.

Day 2

Because of what happened the first day I decided to move to another seat far away from my seatmate the other day.

The second day went well and I feel comfortable answering because no one is peeping. Then when the exam ended my classmate ask me to went to our subject teacher to pass his project my friends from other section told me that I got a perfect score on the exam, of course at first I didn't believe it because that sounds impossible, HAHA, but it was true. 🤣 what a miraculous thing isn't it?

And now the result is.....

I can describe the exam results as excellent and satisfying! HAHA, That's because I got the highest score in our class in almost all of the subjects that we have. I never expect it though because my only plan is to get the passing score and that's it. But unexpected things came and I'm glad about it! What a good thing to celebrate! 🥳

And now the next thing to do is to have a little rest and regain energy for the next grading period.

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