Children's month celebration: Something big, something small, something long, something short - Fruit and vegetable edition

November is the celebration of children's month. As a celebration, the school made different fun activities per department. The A.P. together with the Filipino department decided to have a unique event. The theme is "supporting local products" or being a "makabayan" and the product that we must bring is fruit or vegetable. But it has a twist, it must be big, small, long or short.

As a participant, I bring a guapple, a guava whose size is like an apple. At first, I decided to bring a pipino but then I forgot to buy one at the market and all we have is that. My classmates also bring pomelo, string beans, ampalaya, eggplant, tomato, potato, banana, sugar apple and many more fruit and vegetables. After we gathered all the products we bring, we went out to the quadrangle to compete with the other section who has the biggest, smallest, longest and shortest vegetables and fruits. And the fun part is we can sell those products on the teachers!


After an hour of finding and searching, we finally won 6 times. But then that is not the end of the competition because we also need to compete with another grade level. But in the end, our fruit and vegetables didn't chosen. But we sold some of the vegetables and fruits HAHA.


Even though we didn't win we still have a special award for bringing unique fruit and vegetables 🥳. All in all, it was fun and a good experience. In the end, we also sold some of our veggies and fruits and we also ate some sweet pomelo. Yummm!



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