Reviving An Old Dream || How To Improve Your Blog Contest

(source: Canva)

It all started as a hobby. Reading books, magazines, newspapers, or even encyclopedias was a thing that I loved doing before. From elementary to high school to college, my favorite spot was the library. Because I have nothing else to do. I'm a shy type of person, an introvert that only wanted to sit in a corner being silent for hours reading a book.

Then one day, I just realized of becoming a writer. Of making my own stories, poems, or any articles being published in a book, magazines, or newspapers. But I was too shy to join a group of student writers that publish articles in our school papers. I was thinking also that I was not good enough to be part of their team. I'm not even good at English and don't communicate well with others. So I end up reading every publication they make. And whenever our teacher assigned us to make poems, stories, or essays I've got the chance somehow.

Then after college, when I started working, I knew crochet. I got hooked on crocheting to the point of having lesser time to no time for reading. Until one day, @rowee22 (a friend on Facebook who do crocheting also) had shown a screenshot of her earnings or reward of her post about making a crochet pot holder for a hanging plant. So I commented on her post, asking how because I was interested. Gladly, @romeskie messaged me and explained everything that a beginner should know. I was hesitant at first because I am not that good enough in expressing my thoughts, especially in English. But it was pandemic at that time. My crochet orders had diminished and I have to look for other stuff that could generate an income. Then I remember an old dream I had. Maybe this was my chance, so I grabbed that opportunity. I was just too blessed to have @romeskie supporting me all the way, giving me advice on how to improve my blog post. So for now I would gladly share it with you. Though it's the only thing that I remember for all the things that she had told me. (Sis, pasensya na kung mahina memory ko at minsan ang tagal ko maka pick up ng tinoturo mo until now.😅) Anyways, here's my list on how to improve your blog.

This post is also my entry in the contest.

First, Use
Quality Picture.
When I see some posts, the first thing that catches my attention is the cover picture. It should be clear enough and enticing. It's how you pack your post like a product to attract customers. But be sure to use your pictures with a caption "photos taken by me" or "photos by me" or if it's not yours, then give the proper credits like posting the picture's link together with the name of the photographer. You have to remember also that NOT ALL PICTURES on social media are allowed to use especially on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest unless it's yours. There are free-to-use images on these sites that you can use to avoid plagiarism.


Most of the pictures I used in my blogs were mine and some were from Canva.

Second, Catchy Title The next thing I would consider in voting and reading some posts is the title itself. Be sure to choose the right words that will lead someone to read your post. Something that will interest the possible readers.

I remember someone had posted with the title "She's wet!". Of course, I could think of something else, and got me curious if it's allowed to post like that. So I end up reading his or her post. I don't remember who he/she was but I think I had read it months ago. The content is very wholesome. It's about the author's experience in watering his/her garden flowers! Just imagine my face after I read that post. 🤣 But hey, the title is very effective. So I thought of making the titles of every post I make to be more catchy. Though I'm still not that very good at making one.

Third, Consistent Quality Post. The advantage of being consistent with your quality post is the auto vote. If I knew someone that will ALWAYS put a good and quality post, I will put his/her name on my auto-vote list. So I wouldn't be missing any of his/her blog posts. I think it goes with the other curators also. But you'll be asking me, how to make a quality post, right? Well, these might answer you.

I always make a post on the Needleworkmonday community where I share my passion for crochet. We were taught to post something that will answer the following questions.

  1. What is the project that you will be sharing?

  2. What kind of materials, type of yarns, and other tools that you're using? Where to find it?

  3. What is your reason/s inspiration for making the project?

  4. How long you've been working on it?

  5. What is/is your realization upon making this project?

  6. How do you feel while working on it and after you finished the project?

  7. What problems you've encountered along the way and what solutions if possible?

These are my guidelines whenever I share a crochet tutorial and it helps me a lot. Though sometimes I forgot some of the above-mentioned, I'm trying to remember them for as long as I can.

It is very important to find your niche to be able to express your ideas on your passion, your expertise, and experiences and be able to communicate well with others. And don't forget to put your emotions or feelings into words. It will be felt by your readers.

(source: Pixabay)

But how about if it's not crochet related or a tutorial? Well, these famous 4W-1H questions are the key also.

  1. WHAT - will you share?
  2. WHERE - did it happen?
  3. WHEN - did it happen?
  4. WHY - did it happen?
  5. HOW - did it happen? Or How do you feel?

I always check and reread my blog post before posting it on a certain community to avoid errors like misspelled words or wrong grammar.

I installed a Grammarly app on my phone (because I'm only using my phone when making a post) to check the grammar because why not? It helps a lot.

My sister shared an app called quillbot, a paraphrasing tool that will help you use other phrases, and check grammar, and errors. I used to use this tool before but I find it time-consuming since I had my Grammarly already.

On the last part of your blog post, put your signature or the "About the Author" with a short description of yourself. It's not very important but it looks very formal if you have it anyway.

Fourth, Correct Use of Hashtags Choose only hastags that are appropriate with your post. Never use other tags such as ocd, ocdb, or appreciator just to poke their attention with your post. Remember, a quality post will lead you to them, not you leading them to your post.

Finally, when you're done posting your blog, remember these small yet very effective reminders.

  1. Engage in the community where you posted your blog. Like and comment on three or more other's posts. You will be known by your fellow members of the community and soon will have an eye on your future posts.

  2. Always gave thanks and appreciate by replying to comments on your posts.

  3. When you find your niche, just enjoy sharing your ideas, and inspiring your readers. DO NOT THINK TOO MUCH OF THE EARNINGS. Especially when you're a beginner. Though the reason I joined here first is the reward but then I got discouraged at first because I hardly get a $1 reward of some of my posts. I was inactive for months being busy with my crochet business when I felt like there's something missing.

  4. Received a few votes? Not good enough in English? Well, just CONTINUE. Post 3x a week or if possible 1post every day to improve your writing skills and it's one way also to let the world know that you exist. Keep your readers updated.

  5. DO NOT ASK RANDOM PEOPLE TO VOTE/COMMENT ON YOUR POST AND FOLLOW YOU. It's not illegal but many have dislikes this habit. Let your blog post do that action. You just have to make quality posts.


I really can't say that if you'll be able to follow these pointers, you will be able to get more votes, but the very essence of improving your blog post is that, PUT YOUR HEART ON WRITING. And everything will follow.

(source: Pixabay)

Check @baby.magic's post for a more comprehensive way in improving your blog post. 🥰

Love lots,

To God Be The Glory

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