A Day Full of Events


It's been about a week since I was supposed to publish this piece, and at this point I'm not sure if it's even necessary. I actually wrote this on April 2 but held off publishing it until after Holy Week because of my very hectic schedule.

The date has finally arrived: Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023. Perhaps some of you have never heard of Palm Sunday. In the Philippines, it is traditional to gather newly trimmed palm leaves on Palm Sunday and bring them to a church for a religious blessing. The Palm leaves or "palaspas" are then taken back to homes to serve as talismans of safety and good fortune.

In order to make it to the first mass, we must rise quite early.But of course I'll drink a cup of coffee before we head out, because it's so embarrassing when I fall asleep during mass. When we arrived we see an excessive crowd infront ofbthe church. While we are enjoying the beautiful scenery of our plaza we realized that everyone else had their own set of palm leaves, or "Palaspas," we rushed out to get a set for ourselves. It was difficult to choose on a palm design because they're all so lovely, but in the end I went with the most standard one because it's not about the beauty of the design, it's about our faith in God.


Naturally, after the mass, it's time to go shopping and eat. Since we were starving after attending the service, we have our late breakfast and early lunch at the Unli Chicken Wings Restaurant. They have many different flavors of chicken. So its my first time to eat here so I take all their chicken flavors. Overall their chicken wings are very delicious and very crispy. But their Honey Chix wings flavor is my favorite. So far I take 5 plates of their chicken wings( 4 wings per plate)


In your opinion, what is the best flavor for chicken wings and how many plates can you take?

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