Whole school is saddened by the loss of a young learner

April 24, 2024

“For no soul can ever be replaced, and death claims a beauty and a magnificence that will always be missed.”
― Jocelyn Soriano, In Your Hour Of Grief: When Mourning the Death of a Loved One

(April 23) Around 9 AM, I was busy preparing the circuit that I will use in my robotics class for the 8th grade. Two of my co-faculties brought in two grade eight boys crying. I wondered what happened. Did they fight? I don't think so, the two are best of friends. Something else caused the two boys to cry like that. Even the two teachers who brought them into the faculty room are also holding back their tears.

There was a forebidding thought creeping in the back of my mind. I was hoping that it's not what I think.

I did not dare ask.

I went out of the faculty room for a moment. When I returned, one of the teachers who brought the boys in was going out. So I asked what happened.

When she mentioned a named. I wasn't able to hold myself and I muffled "sh*t". Because I knew right away what happened.

You see, the boys crying are best of friends, and there was a third boy in their close circle. That boy passed away at a young age of 14!

*He may not be the most popular boy in the campus. He is just one of those that you would notice not because of he doing great in the class... you know what I mean...

On the other hand, he is not one of the worst either. His attention may have been called by his various teachers for one reason or another.

In fairness to him though, a lot of us noticed the improvement in his attitude.

It's sad that he was taken away at an early age though.*

Holding Back Tears

When I learned the sad news. I continued working on the circuit. While doing that, I was holding back the tears building in my eyes.
Then I thought... what am I doing? This is for their class! How can I deliver the lesson when I myself is barely holding my grief!

I entered the classroom without a word. I just sat in front of them quietly... The room is filled with sadness.
After a while, I excused myselft and went out of the room. I was holding back my own tears.

As I was going back to my room, the guidance councellor with her staff was on her way to the class. She asked me if she could have a few moments with the class to process whatever they are experiencing now.

I said, I could not hold my class anyway.

She guided the whole class through an exercise that would help process their grief.

It's just sad that the kid's future was taken away from him too early. Then again, who are we to question God's plan?

May his soul rest in peace.

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