Three Legitimate Ways To Earn BCH in 2023

March 25, 2023

I think it was two or three weeks ago that the Random Rewarder, also known as Rusty, came back to With the bot's return, it enticed old members to become active again. The admins also re-opened the platform to new members. This brought life back to

While the bot was away though, there were a few members who stayed and kept posting. I, on the other hand, visited the BCH-powered platform from time to time but rarely made a post. I was not actively writing on any other sites for that matter though.

Even before Rusty announced his leave-of-absence from, I was already a bit inactive in During those times, I started to look for other means to earn BCH aside from writing for and Both of these platforms stopped paying.

Hello once again, wonderful BCH lovers. I suppose all of us here are happy that Rusty is back. With a lot of bad things that have been happening in and around the crypto-verse, finding ways to earn our favorite cryptocurrency has become limited and difficult. Thus Rusty's return is quite a relief.

However, it's good to know that there are other ways to earn BCH, even though it is quite limited at the time of writing. Aside from that, there are some sites that you can never trust.

For now, I can share only three legitimate ways to earn BCH in 2023.

Three Legitimate Ways To Earn BCH in 2023

Note: The links below are referral links.

Obviously, this is the most legitimate way to earn BCH. You earn BCH in by posting ORIGINAL articles. You can write about any topic as long as you composed it yourself. Note though that Plagiarism and AI-generated content is not welcome in These are considered forms of cheating. (Read:

Rusty, randomly, so to speak, drops rewards to original articles. Moreover, some members can also drop some additional tips or rewards to your articles or to your comments.
If you want to earn by writing articles or stories, join us in thru this link.


Cashrain is a brainchild of Kim dot Com. It is a platform where content creators can create their own community and share BCH with their participating members. To qualify, one must join and participate in a community. Mostly, all you need is to like and retweet a tweet.
The rewards are sent directly to your BCH Wallet.
Lately, though, a member can only join up to a total of twenty communities. This posed a problem since some old communities are no longer no active. Moreover, there are new communities that are giving bigger rewards.

The earning potential in Cashrain varies depending on how often you participate in cash rains. Some communities give away a big amount, some give away only a few cents.
Cashrain is an invite-only community. To join Cashrain, you can use this invitation code. (Note: This is a one-time use code only).

Bitcoin Cash Giveaways.

Bitcoin Cash Giveaways is a mobile application that offers numerous ways to earn BCH. From doing surveys, and completing tasks that include playing games. It also offers an hourly bonus that you can claim. Some of the tasks require watching some ads.

The rewards are sent directly to your BCH wallet every Tuesday once it reached the payout threshold. By default, the threshold is 20,000 satoshis. That's about $0.05 at the current price. However, you can change the threshold amount.

The earning is not that much. At one time I earned over 30,000 satoshis in one week which was sent directly to my wallet.

If you want to try

Special Mention

Noise.App is an upgrade of's a twitter-like app but without character limitations. It was one of the best sources of BCH for ORIGINAL content creators. Again with emphasis on the ORIGINAL CONTENT. However, the tips stopped coming in December of 2022.

On the other hand, members can still receive tips or 'donations'. Not just BCH, but also BTC, ETH, SmartBCH, and even fiat Thru Paypal.

Who knows, the old tipping system of will be implemented again soon.

Noise.App is an invite-only platform. Here is my invite link (limited to 10 only):

In Closing

These platforms are not get-rich-quick platforms. I have tried some platforms that offer huge BCH rewards, but none of them pays. Some of them perhaps are just some scheme to gather or even steal personal information. At the very least, they earn from the ads that run on their application and give you nothing at all.

All of the apps and platforms that I mentioned here do not require KYC. Meaning all you need is an email address and your BCH address. Moreover, they don't require membership fees to start earning.

How much you can earn may depend on the amount of time you spend on these platforms. For, some members have earned $10 or even more than $20 tip for one article. This is not guaranteed though. I used to accumulate more than $150 worth of BCH in a month from alone. I wonder if I can do that again now that Rusty is back.

Cashrain does not require so much time. But you need to choose the community to join properly.

In Bitcoin Cash Giveaway, I often play the ads while doing something else on my laptop.

The earnings might not be huge, but if you want to accumulate BCH and save it while the price is low, these platforms are more than good enough for that purpose.

If you have a different experience with these platforms, please share it with us. Moreover, if you know other legitimate platforms where we can earn BCH, please share them with us in the comment section below.

Thanks for Reading.

Post No. 2023-012
*originally posted in
All images are mine unless otherwise indicated.
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