Of Hopes, Dreams, and Wishes

June 23, 2023

Of Hopes, Dreams, and Wishes

This post is related to @coolmidwestguys' challenge a week ago ( https://read.cash/@Coolmidwestguy/hopes-dreams-and-wishes-challenge-08fd7db9). It is a late post since the deadline for his challenge was way overdue. Then again, since my birthday is coming in a few days, I'd like to share with you my hopes, dreams, and wishes anyway.

I've been trying to focus on my book and creating tutorials on Arduino uno for the past few weeks. It's been over a month now. Focusing on one task for weeks though seems to have its drawback... it gets boring over time. Although I get excited to create new designs and explore different possibilities, I got bored.

So, I decided to take a short break from my book project and read some of the articles. Then I saw the challenge I mentioned above. Again, it is late, but I love the topic anyway. So I decided to write my thoughts on this subject


I have written my dreams and rewrote them several times. I will share with you some of them.

Travel Destinations.

I haven't traveled outside the Philippines. If... no. When I get a chance, the first place I wanted to visit is Japan. There is just something about this country and its culture that attracts me.

Source: Photo by Su San Lee on Unsplash

The second place that I wanted to go is Canada. Perhaps, I'd even love to live there.

Simple House

I don't dream of a huge mansion. I just want to live in a big-enough house. A house that I and my family can joyfully call home. Having a small pool on the side is a great plus though.

Dream Car

I used to dream of owning a Porche. But that's quite too much for me, and it's not quite practical. So I want only a fuel-efficient car that will cost me less than a million Pesos.

Become A Best-Selling Author

One best-selling author once said, "To be a best-selling doesn't need to be the best writer." I'm not expecting it to be a best-seller, but I hope it would sell enough copies to help me with my monthly expenses while working on my next project(s).

I have some horror-action fiction stories in my mind that I want to publish soon.


First, I hope I can finish my first book before the end of the month. I think I can finish the draft by then. However, I'm sure the editing would take just as much time as it took me to write the book.

Again, I'm not expecting my to be a best-seller, but I hope I can sell enough copies each month to help me get by each month.

I also started working on my YouTube channel where I can post my video tutorials and other content. Hopefully, I can get enough subscribers to monetize my channel.


Just like my hopes, my wishes would be something to help me achieve my dreams.

First and foremost, my birthday wish. I wish I could have $1000 so I can buy a new laptop to help me work faster. (Well... that amount is more like a dream to me at the moment.)

I'm currently using my tablet more than my old and clunky laptop.

As for my BCH earnings, I wish I could accumulate and save 10 BCH by the end of the year. Lastly, I wish the BCH price would go at least $1,000 this year and go higher.

That's like wishing for having at least $10,000 by the end of the year.

(I also wish I find other sources of income soon. grin)

In Closing

Dreaming of something big is not bad. A lot of success gurus suggest that success starts with a dream. Thus writing them down is necessary to help us remember them and even focus on them.

Our dreams can easily be turned into goals. How? By simply adding a date on when we want to achieve those dreams. Then we can start working on plans on how to achieve those dreams.

May all our dreams come true.

Thanks for reading, sharing, and for your upvotes.

Post No. 2023-030
Date Posted: June 23, 2023, Philippine Standard Time
All images are mine unless otherwise indicated.
Originally posted in Read.Cash
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