Being the First and Last to Graduate Among Siblings: A Series of Heartfelt Thanks

This is it, dearest Hivers! Honestly, I initially planned not to post anything because I have already thanked God and these people who have lent a helping hand throughout my 17 years of schooling. Yet, I've come to realize this sentiment deserves a voice. That's why I'm sharing it with you here. Words often fall short of conveying the depth of my appreciation to all of these people, but here it is—a glimpse of my heartfelt thanks.

I, the youngest, have been doing my best since day one with no pressure belt on my shoulders. I thank my loving parents; never did I experience such a thing, ever. I'm definitely flying free from parental expectations, but I didn't take that as a reason to not also let them come up on stage. That actually motivated me more to always do well in school. I'm over the moon right now because I've made it happen with flying colors, from kindergarten to college, thankfully.

I graduated as salutatorian in elementary school, as valedictorian in high school, and I now graduated with honors from this college. I haven't made it to Laude, unfortunately. My average is equivalent to Cum Laude, but we'll always have this one professor who's going to ruin what we've been working on for years HAHAHAHA. I've been a consistent dean's lister throughout my three years in college, but sadly, I haven't made it to Latin Honor this graduation. I've already accepted everything, and I just thought to myself that maybe it's not really meant for me. Despite that, I'm beyond grateful for everything I've accomplished throughout the years.

For this achievement, I have also extended my heartfelt gratitude to my siblings for their support, especially my sister, who provided for our parents and me financially. I am the first and last graduate in our family. My two siblings already have their own families, and the other one is also about to settle down. I, the youngest, still don't know what the future holds, but I promise to take care of our parents and take on the natural responsibility of helping them with all my abilities. Their world revolves around us for their whole lives, and no material things could ever make me pay back what they've done for us, but I'll try my best to make them feel happy. I'm also deeply grateful for my true friends, who show me unwavering kindness by always reminding me to eat, handing me biscuits when I've missed breakfast, and rushing to my aid when I passed out at school. Yes, I almost compromised my health for school. That's how committed I was to my studies. These people have been constantly genuine, always showing concern, and their love definitely means the world to me. I will forever hold each of them in my heart. They're the best of the best. They've made my college life bearable and unforgettable. I also thanked my significant other, my high school sweetheart. This man just doesn't know how much he has supported me emotionally and mentally. He's always been my rock at my lowest points—my kind of human diary, to be exact. I'm happy we've made it this far. We're now both degree holders!

A big thanks as well to Cebu Technological University, our dearest alma mater. We're free from tuition, and even though it seems like our souls were the payment, it doesn't matter. We haven't spent even a single penny for the institution, only for our projects and rigorous paperwork. We graduates are all so grateful to be part of such a prestigious institution. We got a quality education, and we have free wifi all over the campus.

Above all, I thank the Almighty God. He's always been my refuge and safe haven at all times. Happy or sad, He's the first one I could always run to. He constantly made me feel His comforting presence and love. I wouldn't be here without Him.

Being the first and last to graduate among our siblings, I'll do my best to strive in this new chapter of my life. I know this is just the end of the beginning, and that life starts here, but with a courageous heart, I'll figure it out one step at a time. This is definitely the moment of truth. I hope I'll survive and be winning in life for my country, for my family, and for my future.

Thank you, dear Hivers! This platform has been my safe space since then because I'm able to share my happenings in life and meet new people. I hope we'll continue sharing each other's thoughts. I've always been grateful for Hive and for all of you. Let's keep hustling!

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