Tips On How To Improve Your English Communication Skills

Tips On How to Improve Your English Communication Skills


English is considered as the universal language spoken in 57 different countries in the world. It is the only language that can connect you to other nationalities as speaking the language even in words or phrases can already make you understand the gist of what one is saying. Amazing right? I am sure you have heard people speaking the English language not in complete sentences, but you still get the message or what one is trying to imply anyway, just by uttering a couple of words or phrases.

As non-native English speakers, speaking English becomes a challenge. For some, they find it hard to enunciate the words properly, especially with the f and p sounds, which are most commonly uttered interchangeably, or the voiced th and unvoiced th sounds. Some might even have difficulty in spelling commonly-used words. Others might even find it hard to construct even a simple complete sentence.

Why is this so?

I believe one of the main reasons is, it is not our mother tongue. We are not native speakers of the language and it is foreign to us. Our generation are not openly exposed to the language as resources are only limited to print media, television and radio back then. Most people would really view you or their first impression when you are good at speaking the language is that you are smart. Not all people can speak the language fluently, so they are impressed when you can speak it fluently. Another thing about speaking the language is that it makes you sound professional, educated, and polished. So, how can one improve his English communication skills?

1. Constant exposure to the language.


Image Source: International TEFL and TESOL Training

Today's generation are more adept in learning the language. One of the factors that greatly contributes to their adroitness in speaking the language is the constant exposure to the language. Parents opt out to teach their children as early as five years old. If you notice nowadays, even a toddler can speak the language fluently. They even have the accent. Why? it is because they are exposed to movies or cartoons such as Peppa Pig, Cocomelon, etc. that feature English as the medium of communication at an early age. The only disadvantage of this is they find it hard to speak their mother tongue. Many children who are good at speaking English at a young age, find it hard to speak or express themselves in vernacular.

2. Practice conversing the language as often as possible.


Image Source: Flux Magazine

As they say, practice makes perfect. Indeed it's true. Learning the language requires constant practice in order for you to be fluent in it. Practice communicating in English in front of the mirror so you will know how you sound in front of other people. You can also start practicing in your home. Encourage your family members to start speaking the language, so that you will get used to it, and eventually it will come out naturally in the long run.

3. Widen your vocabulary.


Image source: EuroSchool India

How many times have you encountered an unfamiliar word when you read a selection? or an article? What I do is, I take note of that unfamiliar word, look it up in the dictionary, find its definition, and then use it in a sentence. You should understand also the context of the word so that you can apply it effectively. Do not just put that unfamiliar word because it sounds fancy or just because you wanted to sound smart. Remember, our goal is to communicate effectively, not put more confusion to your audience. Make it a habit to always list at least ten vocabulary words every day.

4. Dictionary is your friend.


Image Source: USA Today

I would highly encourage you to download any dictionary apps to your smartphone. I use Merriam-Webster's Dictionary for daily use. Whenever I encounter an unfamiliar word, I just look for it right away, learn its meaning, and study the sample sentences. I also use it whenever I'm dubious of how a word is pronounced. With Merriam-Webster, it is very easy and convenient. Make it a habit to read the dictionary every day for you to be able to familiarize words that are used in daily conversations.

5. Enunciate words properly.


Image Source: Backstage

One technique to improve your speaking skills is to enunciate the words properly, of course with the help of the dictionary. Do not mumble your words. Learn to study the appropriate stress of the word, how it is pronounced, and start applying them in your daily conversations.

6. Read more print media that feature the language.


Image Source: Chapelton

Read more books, magazines, articles, selections, stories etc. that interest you. The more you read, the more you learn. Choose books or anything that stir your curiosity. But since we live in a world were everything is digital and instant, you might wanna download your favorite e-books, so that you can just read them anytime, anywhere.

7. Watch documentaries, movies, series, shows, etc. that feature the language.


Image Source: Arts Management & Technology Laboratory

Most people are visual learners, so they learn easily when they can see or view the material. One way to do it is to watch with subtitles on, so you can fully comprehend what you are watching.

8. Take online English assessments as often as possible.


Image Source: Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Some of the popular online English assessment websites are Test Gorilla, Grammarly, Preply, English Radar, etc. By taking online assessments, you will know your progress or capacity in being adept with the language. You can also find out which part you need to improve on and which part you are good at. Additionally, results will determine the level of proficiency you are currently at, such as beginner, intermediate, advanced, and proficient.

9. Take English lessons.


Image Source: Fruition Tuition

If you can afford an English tutor, do it. Nothing can be as more effective as learning the language with an expert. It is also better so that you will have guided practice.
10. Be acquainted with the use of idiomatic expressions.


Image Source: ThoughtCo

Idiomatic expressions come in very handy when it comes to writing and speaking. Since idiomatic expressions are metaphorical and connotative in nature, it can make your sentences more impactful and powerful provided that you use the idiom effectively and appropriately.

So, there you have it, some tips on how you can improve your English communication skills. If you have something to add on, feel free to comment down below. Thank you.

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