Cone I Have This Dance? [Weekend Diaries]

Cone I Have This Dance, Weekend Diaries.png

We had a quick run on Saturday downtown. I badly needed a haircut and the husband also had to return a product that he ordered online and was required to drop the item at the courier's sub-office. Unfortunately, the hairdresser had an urgent business and pleaded to do my hair at another time.

And so after dropping the parcel, we got ourselves our favorite sweet treat - coned ice cream or drumstick as we commonly call them here. These don't make us overindulge so we choose them over those in gallons.

This brand's packaging is quite creative. They have some fun things written on the top covers. One says "Cone I have this dance?"😅. The other on the right is roughly translated as "Are you an iced tea? 'Coz the fun is bottomless (endless) when you're around."

Anyhow, we enjoyed the treats in the car — the Choco Cookie flavor for the husband and the Choco Almond for me. Our little guy had no cone for himself so I let him get a lick or two from mine.

Yes, we are aware that chocolates are not good for dogs but I just can't help allowing him to have a taste too. He liked the almonds so he got some of them as well.

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The annual festival of our town is happening this month and the elimination rounds for some ball games were ongoing while we were down the valley. We thought we could stay a while to watch but we observed that the air was dusty so we drove back home instead after a quick stop at the shop for some groceries. We will probably check how things are going with the fiesta anytime next week.

Meanwhile, we spent our Sunday in the house — watched some films, munched on chips, and took naps. Our little puppy was quite grumpy during the day. "You're like a real boy throwing tantrums," the husband said as he swung him up for a fun dance. They looked like father and son to me.😍

Well, this was him today, sleeping under my chair. He seemed to have easily forgotten that his tail got caught on the wheels a few days ago when I moved not knowing he was there until he suddenly squeaked and cried a holler.😱 Now, I always have to check where he is before moving or I might crush his little bones.

On some days, we find ourselves saying "no!" to him because he can be very aggressive, jumping to and from the chairs or the bed. He cries when he miscalculates where he lands on the floor but then he will do it again anyway, haha!

Sometimes, when he gets tired or bored, he spreads his body and lies down anywhere he wishes, even beside his potty tray, lol!

Also today, we tried to trim his nails but he would not let us. We played with him, making him sniff and lick his nail cutter but he still growls whenever we attempt to get it near his feet. It has been challenging to cut his nails since one of his toenails bled because the husband accidentally over-trimmed it. He did let us trim a bit of the hair between his eyes so that's progress.

Well, he is as the husband says, like a child throwing a tantrum. It just fascinates me to watch how he acts and behaves as he grows up. Life's gotten a lot more meaningful and I imagine more fun times ahead with him around.

And that's how our weekend went by. Have a lovely one, friends!

All photos are my own. 03032024/20:20ph

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