From Aspirations to Achievement: SK Chairperson Expedition


Hey, awesome peeps!

Let's start with a genuine apology for the previous silence! Life thrusts me into a complex balancing act, and your understanding is truly valued. Now that I've reappeared, let's delve into the details of my adventurous journey and compensate for the time lost.

A few years ago, I was on a soul-searching journey, contemplating what I truly aspired to become. In the recesses of my mind, a resounding call echoed: to help, to lead, and to serve. I also shared this one in my intro blog: I have a fondness for serving and leading people, so maybe this is my purpose. Inspired by this newfound clarity, I approached my parents with an unexpected revelation. I shared my dream of becoming a public servant, fully aware that this might have come as a shock. Assuring them not to worry, I pledged to align my aspirations with the dreams they held for me.

Their response, however, was cautious. "The time is long Inday, don't be in a rush you can explore other paths. Becoming a public servant is no easy feat," they advised. Despite to that, the desire to pursue this path lingered in my mind, firmly taking root in my heart.

Then, in the preceding year, a thrilling announcement unfolded. The Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Election slated for October 30, 2023. Elation filled me as I envisioned this as the commencement of the dream I had nurtured for years. Excitement radiated as I shared this news with my family, yet not everyone in my sibling circle shared the same enthusiasm. Fueled by their fears of my potential inability to shoulder responsibilities, especially amidst the stories circulating in our community, dissent emerged.

Faced with this discord, I sought solace and guidance of the church. In a heartfelt conversation with God, tears flowed freely as I grappled with a sense of abandonment from my usual wellsprings of strength. Pleading for signs, I sought divine assurance to discern whether I should pursue this path.

Two specific signs became my request: to let my parents remind me alone about becoming a public servant, and to become a dean's lister in my school. Thankful to divine providence, my parents, in January 2022, expressed their approval for me to pursue this dream. Following on March 2023 unveiled my name, proudly listed among the deans' lists in our school. Overwhelmed with joy, tears accompanied this revelation, solidifying my conviction.

With these divine affirmations in place, the path to launching my candidacy for SK Chairperson became clear. Unburdened by concerns of hindrance, I embraced the journey with renewed vigor, confident that the signs I sought from the Lord had been graciously bestowed.


As per announcement echoed that the window for filing certificates of candidacy spanned from August 28 to September 2, a week before that, I together with my family went to the sacred grounds of the Teofilo Camomot Shrine in Carcar City, Cebu. Seeking divine guidance, I also sought the wisdom of my elders, including esteemed Barangay officials, asking their blessings, advice, and guidance.

Captured after filing our Certificate of Candidacy at the ComElec Office in our Municipality.

In the midst of my journey, a sense of ease enveloped me as I perceived a seemingly uncontested path to the role of SK Chairperson. Assured by the affirmations during my interactions in the community, where many assured me of no contenders or opposing candidates, I anticipated a smooth campaign. However, reality unfolded in an unexpected twist: on the final day of filing, my close friend, unbeknownst to me, submitted her Certificate of Candidacy.

This revelation shattered my expectations, not because of her decision to file but due to the broken promise. She had pledged to stand as one of my councilors, vowing never to act against me. The abrupt realization stung, and it left me in a state of shock. Despite the initial hurt, I reminded myself that perhaps this was her dream as well, and I embraced the belief that God held better plans.

In the aftermath of this revelation, I approached my close friend candidly, fostering a conversation to dissolve any resentment between us. Acknowledging her decision to enter the race, we found common ground, understanding that both of us harbored positive intentions for the betterment of our community. This resolution allowed us to move forward amicably, free from the weight of grudges, united in our shared commitment to the community's welfare.

Zooming ahead to the campaign period, my days became a relentless juggle. Picture this: I attended classes from 7 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon, and right after, I launched into neighborhood strolls with my councilors to campaign. Balancing this tight schedule was downright exhausting, and the pressure to manage my time added an extra layer of stress.

Come rain or shine, together with my team visited every house in our community, no matter how far. The weariness evaporated at the sight of their radiant smiles.

Some households we visited extended not just warm greetings but also offerings of food 😍🤭. Their hospitality and their genuine welcome into their homes struck a chord deep within me. It became a source of immense inspiration, fueling my dedication to this pursuit. The impact of these encounters reverberated, serving as a powerful reminder of the community's support and propelling me forward with newfound vigor.

The night before the big day? Sleep? Nah. Anxiety decided to throw a party in my head. With prayers and fingers crossed, I hoped for the best.

On the pivotal day of the election, my enthusiasm led me to the venue bright and early, anticipating the unfolding of the voting process. We were positioned at the gate for the entire day, but restrictions prevented us from venturing near the precinct rooms. Despite sporting a smile all day, the chaos in my mind left me perplexed. Each time I sought solace in the comforting presence of my siblings, tears flowed freely, and I couldn't resist enveloping them in heartfelt hugs.

As the day progressed, my elder sister's call brought news of the vote-counting commencement. Eagerly, I joined the gathering, observing and listening intently. Amid the suspense, my mind echoed with prayers, particularly the Hail Mary. In a divine twist of fate, the culmination of these moments unfolded with a resounding revelation: God had indeed answered my fervent prayers. I was elected as the SK Chairperson, a moment marked by a mix of relief, joy, and a deep sense of gratitude for the divine intervention that guided me to this significant victory. 🌟

Upon returning home, a flood of emotions overwhelmed me, and tears flowed freely. Expressing heartfelt gratitude, I took a moment to individually thank every person, whether their contribution was big or small. A special acknowledgment went to my unwavering family, who stood by me in every aspect of this journey. A sincere of appreciation is extended to my friends for their steadfast support.

In the spirit of gratitude, messages cascaded to the community members who had generously offered their help during the campaign. And, in a moment of deep reflection, my heartfelt appreciation soared to my ultimate savior, God.

This juncture marks a profound realization of my purpose: to lead and serve God and His people. While acknowledging the weightiness of this responsibility, I embark on this journey with a prayerful heart, pledging to give my absolute best in service to Him and His people. The path ahead may not be easy, nor the responsibility small, but an unwavering belief in God's plans fuels my resolve.

That's it for today peeps.Thank you so much for investing your time in reading this. Stay safe, stay hydrated. 🌈✨

I own all of the images above.

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