Cherished Moments on My 21st


Hey. Hey, Hey!

They say turning 21 is a big deal – the gateway to adulthood, a time for extravagant celebrations and wild parties.

But my 21st birthday? Hahaha It actually turned out to be quite the contrary, though. It was a day of delightful surprises and heartfelt moments that left me feeling more grateful than ever.🥰🥹

Come along as I recount the tale of my special day, a day that reminded me that sometimes, the best things in life are the unexpected ones.


As I celebrated my 21st birthday on October 5th, my day was rather ordinary, filled with scheduled classes, and devoid of any extravagant plans. Over time, I had become accustomed to low-key birthday celebrations, so I didn't anticipate anything out of the ordinary. By the way, there's a funny coincidence I'd like to share – the reason I pursued an education course is that my birthday coincides with World Teachers' Day. Isn't that amusing? Hahaha🤭


The morning of my special day commenced with a visit to the church, a cherished tradition that had become an integral part of my birthday routine. This practice, deeply rooted in Filipino culture, held profound significance for me. It felt fitting to commence my day with this act of gratitude and reflection.

It was in those moments of stillness that I found myself contemplating the journey that had brought me to this pivotal point in my life. The path I had walked, the lessons I had learned, and the aspirations that now fueled my spirit all seemed to converge in that sacred space.

Breakfast at my favorite fast food chain

After my visit to the church, I felt compelled to indulge myself a bit. So, I made my way to the local Jollibee in Bogo, I bought a burger steak with rice and cola float and ordinary fries, little did I realize that this hasty decision would introduce me to a delicious surprise on their menu - the "cookies caramel sundae." Each spoonful was an explosion of pure deliciousness, a delightful surprise that not only lifted my spirits but also cast a radiant and cheerful aura over the hours that lay ahead.

An Adventurous Turn

I returned to school for a typical morning of classes, not suspecting that my day was about to become extraordinary. After our lessons, my college friends surprised me with an exciting idea—an adventure! I was initially hesitant because it would take us 40 minutes to reach our chosen gathering place, which happened to be my house. Considering that my friends were scattered across various areas in northern Cebu, like Daanbantayan, Medellin, San Remigio, and Bogo City, doubts crept in.


However, despite the physical distances that separated us, our shared bond formed during our studies at Cebu Normal University-Medellin Campus made this adventure all the more appealing. Who was I to stop them? They explained that they wanted to visit my place and have some fun before our midterm exams. I felt a bit shy because, instead of me inviting them, they were the ones who proposed it.

And then so, I agreed, and soon enough, my house became the meeting point for lunch. I wasn't prepared for a grand feast – I'm more about cozy family gatherings than lavish spreads. But I had enough to share, and that's what counted. Our time together was golden, and my friends got to see a side of me that's usually hidden.

A Journey to Little Batanes


While I had shared this destination with my friends, I couldn't take full credit for the experience. Nature's grandeur and the camaraderie of our group were the true architects of this memorable day. My heart swelled with gratitude as my friends expressed their thanks. They recognized that my contribution wasn't the grandest, but they cherished the fact that I had taken them to this remarkable place.

As the day drew to a close, we reluctantly left Little Batanes, each of us carrying a piece of its serene beauty in our hearts. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, and we made our way back home, content and fulfilled.

A Heartwarming Surprise

As evening approached, there was yet another surprise waiting for me back home. My mother had thoughtfully purchased a birthday cake – a gesture that reached deep into my soul. The mere sight of the cake, adorned with candles, the birthday wishes and songs with my nephews and niece brought tears of joy to my eyes. It was a reminder of the immense love and blessings that surround me.

Surrounded by family, we shared that cake, and as I blew out the candles, I made a silent wish for more moments of unexpected joy in the years ahead. It was a moment of reflection, an acknowledgment of the love and warmth that enveloped me on my 21st birthday.

So, my 21st birthday may not have been the typical blowout, but it was perfect in its own unique way. It taught me that life's best treasures often come when you least expect them.😉

It's not the grandness of the occasion but the depth of the moments shared with loved ones that truly matter. My journey to Little Batanes, the heartfelt gestures of my friends, and the love of my family all contributed to making this day unforgettable.

Here's to embracing the unexpected and cherishing the simple, beautiful moments that life graciously offers.✨

Thank you for joining me on this rollercoaster of a day, a day filled with gratitude, wonder, and love. Stay safe, stay blessed, and stay tuned for more stories down the road. Until next time, dear friends! 😘

FYI, all the photos above were taken by me.

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