It is a Friday and ever since Monday, I had been contemplating on what to do for the weekend -- anything or anywhere but the four corners of my bedroom. I wanted to do something out of my comfort zone ALONE. So today, after work, I decided to go to a place next to the town where I am currently residing and even though it is just adjacent to the roads from the municipality where I came from, the feeling is still different knowing I get to see different people and walk in a street where no one knows my name.

And it is one of the things I like -- walking in the streets of complete strangers. They cannot judge me because they do not know me and even if they judge me for how I look or how I walk or how I talk, still, it wouldn't matter because I do not know them either.

So here are some of my takeaways from this afternoon walk.



One of the reasons why I don't usually walk is that I am very awkward especially when I am alone walking in the streets and a lot of people come passing by. That is why most of the time, I just ride my motorbike wherever I go even though my destination is to just go to a carenderia (a small space where freshly-cooked foods are displayed and you can dine-in or take out your order) to buy food which is only three minutes away from the house. But this time, I decided to walk rather than ride my motorbike because I want to experience my feet hugging the ground and do some stretching of my legs and arms. I couldn't even remember when was the last time I stretched out except for the time I had to stretch my arms and legs out after some divine sleep.

The therapeutic power walking has given me has made me feel like I am whole again with the universe. While walking, I get to release the stress and negative energy from the insides of my soul and it provided me an ample amount of room to think about things. Plus, I get to appreciate the little things I see from the trees to the roads to the wild grasses I get to pass by.



There is a legendary precept by Benjamin Franklin that goes "Time is gold." Yes, he is right but this time, time is already a diamond -- more precious, more rare, more valuable.

While walking, I passed by a mall so I opt to get inside to buy my favorite Shawarma wrap in one of its food stalls in front of its grocery store, water and some necessities. I was craving for Shawarma but I decided to go to the supermarket first and just buy Shawarma on my way home.

However, when I was roaming around the market looking for water and some necessities, the customer service staff of the mall has announced on the background that the store will be closing in ten minutes. I hurriedly grabbed my stuff and went straight to the cashier to pay my grocery however there was a long line of customers in every counter.

I just waited patiently and at the same time looked at the Shawarma store from time to time hoping they will not close yet since that was one of the reasons why I got inside the mall but I chose to go to the supermarket first because I want my Shawarma to still be fresh when I go home.

After my long wait, I was able to pay my groceries and went to order some Shawarma but they are already closed. I was sad because I could've just bought it first since I can buy my necessities in 7/11 near me.

And that is how I realized how precious time really is and how important it is to learn how to manage our priorities in life. Because time and opportunities wouldn't wait for anyone just like how the Shawarma store not able to wait for me.



It is my first time trying this famous coffee shop in Cebu and I was glad that it already had its branch here in Oslob which means I can finally taste how good it really is since it has received a lot of good feedbacks online.

The coffee is indeed only thirty-nine (39) pesos or approximately $0.70. Imagine how affordable it is. You only spend less than a dollar for a caramel macchiato. And when I had my first sip of its coffee, I was bewildered how I couldn't imagine it was only 39 pesos. The taste was not too far from the caramel macchiatos I have tasted in some coffee shops which ranges from one hundred to one hundred and fifty pesos or more or less 3 dollars in range. No wonder why it creates a remarkable name all throughout social media.

A lot of people have this misconception that if a food is cheap, it is somewhat plain or bland but just as how we should not judge the book by its cover, we must not judge a coffee or food by its cost. There are adequate number of products that are cheaper but still gives the same satisfaction the expensive ones can give us. We just need to find and try them.



When people see me walking alone in the street, they often perceive that I am lonely or sad or depressed but truth is, when I am walking alone, I never feel lonely. Awkward, maybe. But not lonely because I know that up above me, someone is looking at me, guiding and reassuring I will be safe in His hands.

I also have the stars that are like tiny little dots in the sky enveloping me with its warmth in this vast darkness.


THERE'S A CALM SURRENDER TO THE RUSH OF DAY (Lyrics from the song Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Elton John: One of my favorites)

After a long stretch of the sun's rays during the day, the warmth of the night's subtle embrace is there to welcome me. The night always brings that kind of calm I've been dreading for as I stare at my desktop doing some extra work or losing my voice during the afternoon after teaching lessons to students or commanding them to clean the room and all the surrounding places of the classroom every morning and afternoon.

My days had always been exhausting and weary and what I always look forward during the daylight are the nights to come and clutch me in its warm hugs and calming presence. Indeed, Elton John was right.

There's always a calm surrender to the rush of day.

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