Happily admiring someone from afar

Hola ladies and gentlemen, allow me to share with you a story about a guy that I admire and his impact towards me.


This photo is from my facebook account: Gween Mondido Recto

Have you ever loved without being reciprocated? Have you admired someone from afar and been happy just by seeing him or her in a short period of time? If yes, then maybe we are the same.

In the past year and a half of being in the campus this guy actually doesn’t really exist in my life even though we’re in the same department. Not until our school celebrated our foundation week and there are many events for us to join. My friends decided to join the collective dance so that we have a participation. Before the said event I already saw students practicing beside our activity center and together with them is the guy coordinator who I thought is a freshman. I just ignored them not until they already called the participants to practice with the dance.

While practicing, my friends tease me about him but I always try to disagree with that thought and deny what I’m feeling. We always practice and almost everyday I can see him and while watching him teaching us the steps I slowly realize that I already have a crush on him.

It’s actually easier for me to like a guy if he’s dancing. Maybe that is one of the reasons why I like him. He’s really good at dancing, has a sense of humor, he’s nice and of course handsome.

The day before the opening of our foundation week and the collective dance competition we already finished everything that we needed and that day is one of the most memorable day for me because we left the school together and I was so nervous because I got the chance to talk to him even just for a little time but at the same time we ride a jeepney together until he got off at the terminal and ride another one so that he can go home already. It actually makes me sad seeing him got off the jeepney.

We won first place at the collective dance and we took pictures when it was announced, and that night he puts it in his day and I got the urge to message him congratulations because I thought that it would be our last interaction but then our department decided to have a Thanksgiving party and there I saw him again, the feeling of excitement that I feel every time I see him don’t even change. We also have the Mr. and Ms. Pageant where the lights in our surroundings are dim but still I really know him just by his shadow and that time my friend was shocked but I’m also surprised that I knew him despite that situation. That time, it made me really sure that I have a crush on him. After the events, the days passed by so fast that I could only see him outside the campus or he was just passing by the hallway or in our room.

Until the last Friday of that academic year my friend told me to come with her at school so that she can took a video for our last performance and I agreed, after taking videos we decided to have our lunch so we got down at the building but I didn’t expect that I would see him there sitting at the plant box. While we are walking he looks at us and he raises his eyebrows and smiles. Of course I smiled back at him and left.

Summer came and I thought I already forgot about him. My feelings fade because we got the chance to have our vacation but then I realize that the new academic year is fast approaching and it only proves to me that my feelings never fade but I just didn’t notice it because I’m just too occupied with other things.

When the opening of school approached, my friend told me that I could see him again. It actually made me smile, at first I’m not excited but when they told me that they saw him, I felt a little pain in my heart that I just wish and hope that I could also see him.

The next day I go to school because we have a class and to help some things with our organizations office there we passed through each other but I don’t have the chance to look at him because he is with his classmates but when I was on my way out of the school I got the chance to look at him even though it’s only his side profile.

I do realize that admiring him from afar is actually not a bad idea, seeing him happy with his friends is actually a good feeling, at least I can see that he enjoys their company. Whenever I saw his cute smile and hear him laugh it actually makes my day and makes me happy too.

Maybe I don’t have the chance to interact with him again or I could have, but I’m still really thankful that I got the chance to know him in that short period of time. We may not talk, but I will always be proud of his successes and I’m always rooting for him.

As for me, I’m really thankful for what I have right now and I’m also not in a rush to find that someone because I know that the right one would come at the right time.

For now, I’m just happily admiring someone from afar.

I hope you’ll always remember this quote,

“The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it, because anything worth having is definitely worth waiting for.” -Unknown

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