Thesis defended!


For a computer science student, from the name course itself "science" a lot of called us as a SCIENTIST because computer student tend to create from their own thought and also from scratch. As a scientist logical thinking, brainstorming and searching is by far one of the characteristics we have. A lot of parents don't have enough time to pay attention on their kid when they are buried on their work even though they go to school still children don't coup up easily on the tasks they were given to. Children have different behaviors when it comes to their writing and following commands. As the rapid growth of technology new opportunities and tools are presented to help solve a problem as a computer student, we come up with the idea that we know no one else pays attention to so that as a scientist we have invented research that focuses on children.

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Logo for our application created by yours truly.

During our first semester we had a subject called Research and for all I know everyone here has taken up their thesis defended right? For our study, our study is called " Maestra" it is a writing assistance for Filipino kids. It focuses on teaching and helping Filipino kids in terms of their writing by making learning fun, our study or application will help a lot of educational sectors and might help schools to be more interactive, interesting and inspiring for kids to take their studies further. This study consists of helping kids with the use of image processing or recognition for them to work the application this includes a lot of researching for us so that we will have a fully functional application to present.

During the making of this study, we have first to make our manuscript even though it is only chapter 1 to chapter 3 it took us a lot of time to make it for much easier to understand we made this for 3 months, too long right? Time management is my best friend here since I used to work as a service crew I sincerely thankful for my groupmates that they understand my situation here even though I submitted late on what they are asking still I took it seriously and made the papers look best for all the other manuscript. On the first chapter we decided to have a sleepover in one of my groupmate's house because I had the day off on that day and will not waste any of my time and theirs so that we had to finished the chapter 1 and give to our thesis adviser and had it checked it thankfully it costs us a minimum of revision with the outline of them but mostly he said that it was good and we are ready to make a chapter 2.



Sleepover at my groupmate's house to finish the whole chapter 1.

Chapter 2 contains our related literature and related system, Luckily, we had found 11 articles and 10 related application for our application. Mostly the articles containing the difficulties of children in terms of their writing and also a lot of image recognition or processing. These may or could help us in our developing phase which is our chapter 3, the developing. The developing was easy for us because we already have a basis of our development which is already in our chapter 1. We made it only for 2 weeks. I was the one who made the design for the user interface of our application I made it look good to the eyes, catchy and children friendly so that they can enjoy and also easy to understand the application. One of my groupmates was also my classmate since senior high school and I am one hundred percent sure that we will make a good application to present because I trusted her with all these we were the ones who stayed up all night just to finish the paper and design for our defense as well as our presentation slides it was so nice to have her because she was the one who approached me first in our senior high school since I was a stranger on this town and did not have enough friends. I am thankful for here.

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Super lucky to have her as my groupmate.
Through all the month, were making both research paper and our final game for one subject actually all of our finals examination I told you we just have to befriend time management to finish all of these tasks and we all did, our whole section finish the outline for our thesis defense. Print here and there a lot of expenses was already happened to survive these hard days. Before our day of defense, we practice on how we are going to present so that it will going to end well for us. We have to dress in a formal way although we already knew that we have to do that because we are going to pitch something very important to them that will going to help a lot of educational sectors including them as a faculty member.


Quick dry run on our presentation.

The day has come, Our defense well actually my classmate @dennmarc's group was the first one to present and we are on the next day and our day has come. We are all excited and also nervous about how our defense will work. It was a rainy day and for me I think that it was a blessing for us, our schedule's morning and it we only we have 2 panels along with our thesis adviser. Our time has come and we prepare our speeches we entered and set up our device to present also we bought breakfast meal for our panelist we decided to buy at McDonalds since I have a discount there. after we set up our needs we instructed our panel that we are going to present our study by introducing one of ones as well as our thesis and critic adviser.


I was the one who introduced our system and give them a short description as well as our objective on how we want to develop this application as I said to help Filipino kids. It was a short time of period to present and our presentation ended well and it is the time for the panel to asks question the panels only asked us with the 1 question which is how is the process of this application we answered it with full of confidence and it convinced the panels that it was a good answer and they did not have a follow up question after that. Since our study was so easy to understand because it was about helping toddler THANKFULLY, we defended our outline and title thesis and we onto the next phase of our thesis. We and our classmates already had a plan that when the defense finally ended, we will celebrate.



Yey! thesis outline defended!

We planned to celebrate at a Korean restaurant near our campus even though it was raining still we deserved to celebrate our classmate Karl was the one who pay half the price of our meal because he promised it to us hahahaha. It was a good day for us since we don't have to worry anymore about the defense and we talked about everything for me it was so nice to talked and rant about things for once to the people who can relate with your situations so lucky to have them on my journey through college we ate and ate until we are finally full and cant eat anymore hahaha! We ate at least 2hrs and 30mins tops and I made the joke that we already bankrupt the restaurant because of our orders. After eating at the restaurant.



Well deserved celebration for the al of us1

We also decided to take a good drink with alcohol to fully washed up our stress it was so fun and we did not notice that it was already dark and 10pm and for that we decided to went home we totally enjoy that day and make it a blast for everyone. For me it was so nice to have fun with these guys for a once because they are the ones who helped me to get through my college journey. Hopefully we will graduate soon and we are complete on that day!

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