Love & Forgiveness: A Father's Day celebration

A simple celebration about Father's Day. Great day it is and blessed God for everything.

What was your favorite moment with your father?


Enjoying his lifestyle at Bangkok, Thailand.

My father was my first hero and my role model. He is the first man in my life. He provides to us, care and protects us and all the duties that he can and will do to let us know that we are loved by him. During my childhood days my father was my best friend we are unseperatable, whenever he was, I was with him also. Food tripping is one of my best memories with my dad because he taught me to not be a picky eater when it comes to food, especially exotic food! there is one time when he went home and bought a horse's intestine and made it our dinner it was all disgusting but still it was savory, and it has a lot of flavors which is a surprise to me! He used to take me to his work and show me around. My father loves car also I think he found his dreamwork which is selling, promoting cars now I get it why I also love cars especially the old ones because it has a lot of history and memories in it that is why it makes it more valuable than those fancy car or race cars.


Our first very red car named "Red Horse"

It is Father's Day, my daddy's special day beside his birthday. My weakness is showing affection towards other even to my family by that I show it by asking what he wants today. And he said that he wants his favorite food that is why I bought this. A simple gesture of greeting from me.


Our food for our father's special day.

I am proud of my father for all the achievements that he achieved even though we had a misunderstanding leading to him to silent treat me, I always approach him of what he wants nor if he had eaten, because that is my way of caring. My father taught me my first time in everything and in his every way. Riding a bike to how to commute by yourself he is my personal map and tour guide because he knows all the route and even the safest route to passed. Even though he does not agree to commute by myself still he thinks that it will make me more independent, and he is basically right. He raised a woman who is independent because he taught me that there will be a time that I will have to decide what is best for me by myself only. He is basically the superman of my life he raised us beautifully and kind and show us how to value something very important to your life. My father really loves movies and songs also he is the one introduced me to the genre of rock songs his favorite band was " The Beatles" and he is also a OPM lover his favorite opm band is "Asin". He has this entire collection of movies and songs, and he organized it carefully by genre either it is his song collection or movie collection.


A picture of a super Dad!

Photo was taken in Ever Memorial, Bulacan.

I was a daddy's girl when I was a kid but time passed, Teenage phase my father and I sort of drifted apart because of my stubbornness he always scolded me about something that is not right. I listened even though I am not showing it, but I always listen even though I am not showing it there is one time that I apologize to my father when we got in a fight and really heated things up, I know that it is my fault for being a hard-headed kid I it still my fault and apologized. My father is the one who guide me through all of my studies even when I was a kid, he taught me all that I wanted to know that will help me in the future. He is the proudest dad when it becomes to my studies there is one time that when he and his friends are drinking, I heard him how proud he was when I received a scholarship in our school. He is also the one who always come to my recognition when I am in high school, my friends know him as a strict dad because of his resting face but still, when he is in good mood everything lights up! He will always joke around and be sweet to my mom that made my mom more iratable from him haha!

His birthday celebration.
This photo was way back 2011, look how close and happy we are here.

When he got hospitalized last year before Christmas, we and my siblings were so scared on what will happen everything we could do we did. I was the one with him through all that, seeing how much pain he was, all the talking with the doctor make me scared. When he got out, I am still the one taking care of him cooking a mashed pumpkin was his favorite and also because it is advised by the doctor that he should lessen sodium. I am now happy that he is now recovered and strong now.


Photo was in New Year's Eve, ready to take a moment to step for another year.

He is my motivation and inspiration. During those dark times I thought and tried to stop going to school because of the pressure around me plus the financial problems that we are facing, but he assures me that I will going to graduate, and I can do it. Now I am still pursuing and trying to graduate for him and also for me. All of my achievement are his achievements also. Someday I will be the one who will provide to the family especially for my dad because he deserves all that from all of us.

I will always love my dad even though he raised a nonchalant kid, I will always be his little girl trying to step up and always ready to make him proud.


Me and my Hero in my Senior High Graduation.

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