Hi, I'm Aelie

Hi, I am Aelie.

Hi this is my family i ♥️ my family I am Aelie and I am new
in hive. I am 9 years old I'm living in the Filipins and I new about hive because my mother taught me she know of the hive I like the û
hive its like story do you like hive.

And I like my teacher from the math because my. School I love my school my real teacher is maam Rhea my life was perfect
now ♥️

my brother always cry he want all of it my brother is scared of fire my little sister is bright of the school she had a headband because her teacher give her.

I likes hive because it can also teaches me I like it now

Hello, this is @yoieuqudniram right now

Meet my daughter, Aelie, a.k.a. @eylii, 9 years old and in the 4th grade.

The above words are my daughter's (@eylii) and I hope everyone will warmly welcome her. Today, technology is inevitable and all we have to do is adapt to themmor else we will become obsolete.

But honestly, technology does not come bringing the good alone but also the bad and I do everything to keep my kids safe from the bad things from the internet.
These days, cellphones are considered a necessity, not only for communication but also to gather knowledge and most of all to earn like we all do in hive. I believe everyone is her not only to have fun or whatever but also to make money.

I humbly hope you would not mind me joining my daughter in Hive because I believe it is for everyone. I honestly believe that giving her an account to grow in Hive is way much better than creating her a Facebook account and taking pictures, and posting them for everyone to see without a cent in return and knowledge being taught. Whata I hear about elementary kids when I bring my kids to School is that if they were being flexed by their calssmates and crushes and it doesn't sound good for me.

I will be by my daughter's side while she will be giving but I would let her do her post, teaching her somehow to be expressive of her thoughts (which I did not have the freedom to do so when I was younger because I am always told to shut up. Sad, right?)

Also, I believe that Hive will help me improve my daughter's English communication skills and help her adapt to technology, to search for the things that are worth knowing. And not only soak herself in watching videos that will only entertain and drain her hours.

One more thing I wanted her to join hive is to create a bond with her through hive though her use on gadgets are still limited for now. I hope her interest in Hive will burn like a candle and will never die.

This will be all, hoping for a warm welcome on her.
Thank you so much.

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