The Golden treasure of Education; Knowledge

"Study hard , because education is the only thing I can give you as your treasure in life."


Image by: Dough Linstedt,from: Unsplash

This is the best line that my father always saying to me even his drunk or not. We are poor, don't have enough financial support to our daily needs my parents are both farmers so we aren't able to buy the things we want to, we prior the needs of the family to survive and set aside our wants.

When I was young, I always wonder what this education can give to me why my father always bubble all the time. After of many years, facing hardships and challenges now I understand how education meant on this kind of situation in life. Knowledge may don't have a worth, and yes because it's priceless and no one can't took. I understand why my parents are so eager to encourage us to study hard. It's one of the way to show us their love and how they worry for our future knowing that they don't have a stable source of income for us. "Don't depend on us learn the things that for you you can use to survive, because time will come when we will gone you won't struggle because you are prepared in facing hardships", line of my dearest mom that until now motivate me .

For as the education is a life long learning process patient is a must, because according to Confucius, "Education breeds confidence,
Confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace"
. In this way we survive.

As I am pursuing my study in college, I am so proud how my parents thought me. We may learn in different aspects academics or skills as long as it educate us and give as knowledge that we can use as our passports in real world wherein the facemask was taken off and the true color of each individual was shown. It's our armor in living ,if we have it no one can put as down because we are knowledgeable enough to ride the flow of life.

Way back before, I and my siblings was early awaken in the so called Truth in life as we have just enough to eat three times a day, and became mature on it. We set our time to have extra work in our neighborhood after school so that we can help to them to lessen the expenses in home, however it is so hard and sometimes I felt jealous to my friends having a time to play. Despite of those struggle, I didn't plan to give up instead I decide to pursue the chance to study, reason that I don't want the kind of life in near future, because I'm already knowledgeable how the situation looks like.

"Life is a storm that will test you unceasingly. Don’t wait for calm waters that may not arrive. Derive purpose from resilience. Learn to sail the raging sea." -TheStoicEmperor


Image by:Joe Wagner, From: Unsplah

Hardships and struggles may often encounter but don't be easy as what grown ups say, if you feel like giving up look back where or what you've started up to that point of your life and you will find purpose to keep going. Life is a cycle were education and knowledge were bounded, we try and got experience that we apply to ourselves and got a learnings that will last as we live.

Knowledge is our treasure because " knowledge has a beginning but no end"- ,and no one can't take it with you,so  keep moving. 

Thank you for taking your time reading my post.What can you say? Do you relate to my throwback moment? Feel free to comment and share your thoughts about it. It is highly appreciated 😌.

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