Please Help Me Help My Mother

I'm still in doubt of posting blog like this. This is not my style or attitude. But we are so desperate to reach out for help. Actually it is me who's really desperate to help my mother. My siblings always did what they can do to help my parents to shoulder the finances. Me, I'm nothing now. This is just a way to help them. So, sorry for my actions.

I'm not here on PeakD to take instant profit. Yes I've earned some for the year I was blogging. But all the tp's I made was invested in something I know might make me earn more for the future. Just like playing "Red Alert", build more "Ore Refinery" to
earn more and build more troops and tanks for a better way to win the game against allies. This is still my game strategy until now.

You will notice that as soon as I've learned that I can make some money and save some for making posts, I did it. The 50/50 settings of HP and HDB in earnings I mean, yes it is the settings I've made for my blogs. Not because I want to earn instant HBD, it is because I want to have some funds to invest to other projects that might or soon to be profitable. I'd take risk, and I believe. Thanks to #dCrops that I invested some of my tp's when I won a Beta Pack in one of #HivePH event, now I saved some DEC on my SPS rentals on #splinterlands just by completing the season's quest.

I didn't know about trading and other hive games when I landed to PeakD. I didn't even know that I have to make an introduction post to earn more upvotes. But I tried, even my firsts posts didn't even upvoted.
No one told me or teached me how to PeakD. And I've researched. Joins different communities and discord channels. Asked some people, and some helped me understand. Joined a webinars even I'm already blogging. Just to learn more. Just to understand the flow of the real bloggings.

Things changed as soon as I've learned little. Someone appreciated my writtings and stories. My post started to be liked by others. Some posts are not, even if I know to myself that it was a blockbuster post.

Yeah, results are not to be expected as the way the author sees. Some bad post might recognized, some good posts are not. It all happened to me. Some might thanked you for sharing your stories, some might not even care. That's the life of unpopular bloggers. Be seen or not to be seen. To read or not to be read.

I know I'm not a good blogger or speaker. My english may not understand by other because of my bad english. But please just hear my heart. I'm reaching to anyone who can help us. Not just financialy, but also emotionaly.

This starts the story of my mother.


The last time I included her on my blog is last June when we went on a camping (@deythedevil/camping-with-my-family)

She is lively and strong that time.
I don't really know when her medical situation starts. It just happened.

On her age of 67, she sometimes feel tired and slow. It's given and told. But she always make it up and be strong again the next few days.
But the late complaints about her backaches alarmed us not to just ignore her situation. It lasted for days, and it leaves her a day, and backaches again. My sister told her to go to doctor and seek what happened to her. That moments passed that I am not be able to get into the attention. "Its just a normal backache" I say.

Weeks has passed and check ups are done to her, the doctors says it might be something serious. She is not often checked up cause she only went to a public hospital which is always make a schedule for the next check up for a week or two. Her last check up, the doctor said that she might have a cancer. But it is still not sure. She needs to be back for the next check up. The long process make her more sick.

The last time she went on a public hospital check up is month long before the next check up. We, siblings can't take that long cause our mother is really in pain, as she said she feels. So, we decided to go to a private doctor to check on her.
She went to lab test and others to see what's wrong with her.

It is complicated that the tests results tells.
Aneurism is one. She also has a cyst on her spine that growing inwards her body. Her skull started to have holes. Her ribs are breaking. She always have a backache that feels like ripping her flesh as she said. The symptoms says she has a cancer. But the lab test tells different. It is really complicated.

The new doctor says that it might not be a cancer, but to be sure, she needs to be going on a biopsy. The doctor needs to test her bone marrow to see what's happening to her.

Her schedule to the biopsy is next week, Sept 07.
My mother's birthday is Sept 06.
And we still don't have financial capability to do the biopsy.

The doctor says that if the bone marrow biopsy results that she has a cancer, she will be going to a chemo theraphy. But, if the result tells that she don't have a cancer, she will have to start from the beginning and might recommend to other doctor who also specialized in that medical field.


We don't know what to pray.
Should we pray that she have a cancer so she can undergo on her chemo therapy?
Or pray that she don't have a cancer and start tests from the beginning and make her suffer continiously from the pain?

There's no win in this situation.
This hurts, a lot. For me and for my mother.

I can't help her financialy, I'm also broke. That's why I started 'powering down' last week to help my family a liitle for my mother's medical procedure. Hoping for the hive to pump.

I asked my mother and have her permission to allow this post, but she don't understad this.
I also asked my father about this post but he told me that we might not getting help. He also don't understand this platform. He only think that I might post this on Facebook. I don't really have their blessing for this post cause they don't really understand this.

So, as a son of a loving mother, I will take risk of posting this here on PeakD. This might degrade my pride and reputatio, but it's okay. My only hope to help my mother is this and I have to take chances.

Thank you for reading my drama.
I'm drunk. But if you consider helping us directly, even in a small amount, my family will deeply appreciate that. Thank you so much.

For direct help, please refer to this accounts.


Teresita Deynaco (My Mother)

Banco De Oro:
Francis Rey Deynaco (Me)

You might know or someone you know on how to read medical test result, please comment. I will provide my mother's medical test results on reply to your comment and have your medical opinion. Please, we need your opinion if you are on this field.

On Filipinos who might know my mom's doctor (Maria Claudia L. Chavez) or her associates on East Avenue Medical Center and Lourdes Hospital (we still don't know which branch but she said the opeartion will be done on Lourdes Hospital), maybe help us to request a discount on my mom's bill. Or anyone government people who can help us. Please and thank you so much


And for some, please comment a motivational messages for my mother. I will read all of it to her.
She always tells my father that she wants to give up. She always cries and giving up hopes. Maybe she needs your words from the hearts. She might listen when she hears that someone that she don't know still cares.


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