How I Came Into The World Of Crypto Blogging


How I Came Into The World OF Crypto Blogging

This is a topic that I have been wanting to share for a long time now.

Writing has been therapeutic with me ever since I discovered it. For me, writing is one of my salvation. And the very reason why I'm still sane right now. But kidding aside, it helped me a lot with my mental health. It's always one of my coping mechanism and I'm always grateful to whoever invented it.

Let's start from the very beginning, when I was about ten years old I read 'A Diary Of A Young Girl ' by Anne Frank and it inspired me to have my own diary. I was always a bookworm but I never thought of writing a story myself. With Anne's book I learned that a pen and paper can be an outlet of emotions I have been bottling inside me. By then, everytime I feel sad or lonely, I would write in a piece of paper and burn it afterwards. It felt amazing being able to tell how I was feeling inside without being prejudice by others. And without knowing, pen and paper became my unexpected companion.

Years passed and the rise of internet began. Wattpad became popular and the stories there became a hot topic with my friends. I wasn't privilege to have internet connection back then and I really wanted to try making my own short stories too. And being the innovated person that I am, I opted into texting my stories to a select few. The response I got from my friends made me feel ecstatic and soon I finally able to make my own Wattpad Account . I posted my shorts stories in there but my studies became a hurdle into my writing that I set it aside for awhile.

When I graduated college as an engineer I suddenly felt lost. I had nightmares fearing the path I took won't lead me to success. I usually get melancholic epiphanies of my life and would often cry when I was alone. In short, I felt depressed that time because after school, I had no idea what to do. Suddenly I was overwhelmed of everything around me and I wondered if my course fitted me.

I took my course to spite my mom and my siblings. I never wanted to be an engineer. I wanted to pursue journalism or veterinary but everyone in the family thought I was aiming for failure. They wanted me to become a doctor, a surgeon. So instead of going to the school they originally planned for me. I secretly took exams in State Universities. Surprisingly I passed one near our house and in a year I was a scholar. Imagined the wrath of my mom. But seeing that I was only paying around 5$-15$ in one semester, they dropped the issue.

And so let's go back to when I graduated college. I said I was going to take a break for a month to freshen my mind. Though I continually went to job I interviews, I didn't accepted any offers. I was afraid to work and not meet everyone expectations of me.

I didn't go to work for a year, instead I came back to Wattpad in a different account. I poured my frustrations into writing. And I was so happy back then with all the recognitions I received. I never meant for my works to be read by many.

Writing have me the courage to believe in myself again. I was able to exercise my profession and excel with it. At the same time my books gained recognitions that I was scouted by editors to write with different platforms. I discovered that I could earn from writing my novels. And I was really proud with myself.

Whenever I feel at lost with everything that is happening to me, I always come back to writing for comfort.

It was last year around March 2021 when I discovered crypto and Noise that I became aware of crypto blogging. At first I was hesitant to share things about my private lives and talk to strangers. I also thought that I need to talk about crypto and I had zero idea about crypto that time aside from it's name. I would hear it from time to time and see it pop in social media but I never entertained it. The notion of crypto was too foreign for me that for the first two days of my stay in Noise, I didn't post a thing. But when the ice was broken and I started interacting, I grew to love the platform. As time passed by, Noise became my primary social media. It wasn't unlike the other popular platforms, in Noise there is no judgement. And there are genuine people who despite not knowing you opened their arms and somehow adopt you in their circle.

After Noise, I came to Read and there I was able to write my short stories. I couldn't do it with other platforms because we have this strict quota for words every month and writer needed to write longer chapters. Read became a revolutionary for me, it was a new world that made me feel free. There is no rule besides from the basic moral guidelines, at most you are at your free will. You can do whatever you want, write whatever topic you have in mind and write in whatever language you want. No one will ever prejudice you for being unique. Having few grammatical error is not a big deal and no one will point fingers to you.

Then about a month ago I discovered Hive from my friends who posted their journey in Noise. And I was like; that would be fun. I would like to try that too. So I am here, still learning. Still experimenting. But I am having the time of my life.

One thing I would like to tell those who are just starting in this journey, never give up. It's always okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. It makes your journey fun. Believe in yourself and never stop honing your skills.



Pictures attached in this article are owned by the author unless stated.

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