How Is It Like To Join an Accounting Quiz

Orange Beige Pastel Colorful Playful Illustration Job Profession Quiz Game Presentation.gif

It's been a few days since I have been active in this platform. As much as I want to post articles and interact with you all, there are time constraints. I have been busy with my student and social life. There were a lot of activities that I need to do.

Because of my busy schedule, it's been hard for me to write posts. My stamina could not take anymore to do. I could not even get enough rest. It was a busy for an accountancy student like me. If you're curious, here are the things that have kept me busy.

I was chosen as one of the contestants to choice an accounting quiz. It was nicknames as NAQDown which stands for National Accounting Quiz Showdown. The competition was nationwide but it was divided into groups. Each groups are comprised of different regions and each of them will conduct an elimination round. Ten students who will top the quiz will win and advance to the semi-final rounds.


We even had a DP blast where we would change our profile pictures in our social media accounts with a special frame.

We were given some materials for the review but because of my internship, I really did not have time to prepare. It was supposed to be two weeks ago, however, a storm struck our region and so we could not conduct it. The elimination round was to be done online so it would not be practical to push through the quiz. Therefore, it was postponed last week.


Before the quiz proper, we conducted a dry run so we would be oriented on how our quiz would be like. They first read the implementing rules and regulations and opened the forum if anyone wants to clarify some rules. There were a lot of students who asked for clarifications that's why it took a lot of time.

Then, we proceeded to the dry run of the quiz. We first conducted of a room so the observers would know that we would not have any means to cheat. We used two devices, one for the video conferencing and the other is for the app that we will have our quiz on. The device for the video conferencing will be placed on an angle that shows the student, their desk and the screen of their laptop so the observers can monitor what they are doing during quiz. Then, we tried a simple quiz so we would know how to use the app for the quiz.

The day then came for the actual competition. I and some of my fellow contestants will have the quiz on our instructor's house because they have better internet connection than us. We prepared our set up for the quiz and waited for it to begin.


The quiz started late because of some technical difficulties which is inevitable. The breakout rooms weren't working nicely. The room tour took a lot of time because the facilitators rectified those students who did not follow the rules. After all those, we started the quiz.

It was really hard. Some questions were familiar, however, my memory was not enough to answer them. Yet, it was a nice experience. It was also a reality check for me that I still need to learn a lot more.

The quiz made me see how much concepts I still need to study further. Although I already know that I am not still ready for the board exams in the future, it made me feel it more vividly.

While doing my internship, I will allot time to study more about my course subjects. I may not have won the quiz, but still, there were things I was able to realize. It inspired me to do more. It motivated me to be better.

(First photo edited in Canva. Other photos are taken from the said event by me.)

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