Say "NO" to Jeepney Phaseout

NO to Jeepney Phaseout.png

Jeepneys became part of Filipino culture and traditions when Americans left the country after their occupation, they left vehicles that were sooner innovated by Filipinos known as jeepneys. It has a capacity of 20 people, it's one of the most famous transport vehicles in the Philippines and it is considered unique in the world. The recent news brings mixed opinions, especially among jeepney riders, some agreed but the majority disagreed.

LTFRB (Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board) declares a jeepney phaseout and will be replaced by modern jeepneys which is a minibus, the idea of modernization is good to hear but the reality is how it affects simple Filipinos who thrives to survive each day. The said phaseout program was announced at the year 2017 during Duterte's governance but the program won't be started due to a lot of factors including protests from jeepney groups, they are against the program since ordinary jeepney driver can't afford to buy a minibus that cost millions.

Until this 2023 the program rise again convince jeepney owners and drivers to replace their old jeepneys with new modern vehicles since it's more eco-friendly and can accommodate a lot of passengers but the main problem again is, jeepney drivers can't afford to buy a minibus, the minimum profit they earn each travel is only 650 and at this moment which gasoline is expensive, necessities like food are so expensive, how on earth they will afford to buy a new modern vehicle?

What government thinks is to let the jeepney drivers buy their modern jeep but they will pay it for a maximum of 7 years including interest. Imagine how jeepney owners can pay 2.4 to 2.8 million pesos in 7 years? LTFRB didn't do their assignments, they release a program that had no concrete study about the cause and effect of their decisions. Truly, those who are in government positions right now focus on future effects but didn't study what would be the effect in present.

That's why I am against the jeepney phaseout, Philippines can't afford to switch from old to modern in years, it will take decades to become fully modernized. Another factor is, how can LTFRB afford to replace more than 200,000 jeepneys nationwide. According to research, in one year manufacturer of modern jeepneys can make a thousand modern jeepneys, it will take 70 years to replace all old jeepneys here in Metro Manila and it will take 270 years to replace them nationwide.

That's the main reason why a lot of senators questioning the program, is it at the right time to enter modernization? Also, the senators question why jeepney owners need to join a Cooperative to operate. There are politics behind it I'm sure especially since it involves millions or billions of money.

In counter to the jeepney phaseout, jeepney groups like Manibela, Piston and other groups are launching a jeepney strike in which thousands of jeepneys will stop operation which will affect a lot of people including commuters. The said strike was a message from jeepney owners that they will not allow such kind of program and they don't want to lose their source of income. Before that decision, all F2F classes will be canceled and moved into online classes for a week, the most affected here are employees who commute since they need to work, and it would be a big burden for them.

Overall, I am against the jeepney phaseout, the government needs to think of alternate solutions not just force jeepney drivers and owners to replace their jeepneys that became part of their life and once became part of our culture. I am hoping that the strike won't happen but it's impossible to be prevented since jeepney groups already made their decision, let's see who will win and who will surrender in this current dilemma.

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