My Worst Enemy and my Greatest Ally

I asked on the hivePh group if there's an existing contest that was posted and gladly they respond about a contest that will end tomorrow that's why I took the chance to share my painful experience from the past and how it affects me right now. I just want to give a warning that my story could make your tears fall or maybe might offend other users. I want to share with you the story of me and my beautiful sister, this is the first time I'll share this in public since I feel relief cause I was known by my nickname but later on you'll meet my sister, I already asked her permission to share her beautiful face on this platform.

Her nickname is Na, I call her like that to shorten her name, she's the most beautiful, generous, and loving sister that I know. She's very kind and thoughtful to me to the point that she shares everything that she had, she wants me to be always safe and give things that I want she can give in an instant once I wish for it like I want to eat something then she will immediately buy it for me. She is the kind of person that thinks of others' well-being more than herself, she can give any necessary help her capability ty, maybe that's the trait I inherited from her.

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My gallery was filled with her picture

She's loving and very loyal to her lover, I witness all the moments when they are very sweet and I feel cringe every time she will share about her boyfriend. She also loves to take a selfie, as in if there's a title for being a selfie queen, maybe she won a title of it. We also had lots of fights, she's my worst enemy inside the house, she always scolded me once she saw things messy inside the house, of course, we had arguments and fights but after an hour we become okay and start talking again with each other.

She's the most thoughtful person I ever know, there's nothing in this world that could replace her. Imagine that she's the only person who greeted me on my birthday, no one remembers it even my family, no one greeted me on social media and I feel sad about it. Then she approached me and greeted me with a smile. I find it too corny for her to show such kindness to me but I let her cause it was my birthday, she told me that we gonna hang out and go to the market, that's the moment that I wish didn't happen.

I always blame myself for why her death, it happened when we are the market celebrating my birthday, we bought food at a mini stop and stayed on the top floor, when we got down to the ground floor suddenly she feel that her legs getting numb. That's the start that she feels something wrong with her legs. The next day, she can barely walk and needed assistance just to walk. After weeks she can no longer walk and needs a crutch to assist her. After one month of medication, she can now walk and jog. We are so happy to see her walk again but that happiness didn't last long, a new problem arrived when she became anemic, and her platelet count drops that's why we keep her on medication and eat healthy foods.

I can't forget this date, on June 17, 2018, at 11:45 PM I woke up from deep sleep when suddenly my older sister was in a panic when my sister vomit the food she intakes. They decide to deliver her to the hospital in St. Lukes's, I didn't leave the house cause they are afraid that there might robbers will enter our home. That's the decision I regret until now, cause that's the last moment I saw my sister. When my brother and my aunt got home, I was so excited to see them and hear good news but suddenly they said to me that my sister died due to a brain tumor. That time I feel like I'm in a dream, At first I thought they are joking but when they start crying, I knew it was true.

I cried so loud that I don't care, I almost got passed out and fell asleep due to crying. When I woke up it was night already, I am still hoping that it was just a dream but it is not. Sorry I can't stop crying while typing this, she's the only person that I value a lot, she's the only person who understands my pain, she's the only person that I can share with my problems, she's the only person who knows who I am but now she's gone. Everything got collapsed.


This is the photo that she took without my notice, if only I knew that she will leave me then I should have let her take a lot of selfies together with me. If I only knew that she will leave me then I will hug her nonstop and tell her how much I'm lucky to have a sister like her. If I could get back the time, then I'll hug her tightly and go back to a time when everything started. But I have no such power to do that, it's god will that thing happened. I knew she was in peace now in heaven together with my mother, I knew that she was always there to guide and protect me.

Her body is buried in the cemetery in our province, sadly we can't visit her due to financial problems but I know that my relatives there always visit her and light a candle for her. Once I saved enough money then I will come to my home province and visit her grave. That would be the end of my article, thank you for reading this and hoping that everything will get fine, I always believe that we can forgive what happen but we will never forget the darkest moment we experienced in life, for me there are reasons why this happened, the only thing I can do is to accept it.

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