Tale for the month of December

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Greetings folks! I surely do owe everyone an apology for not publishing the next tale after the Lights of Baywalk. It was been a busy weeks for me in this month, although I survived it! 

Anyways, this is a tale for my Simbang Gabi or Misa De Gallo's, attending the 9 days of mass during every 4:30 am morning. The mass was started on 16th December. I remember the first 5 days of Simbang Gabi, that time we still had our classes and finals. Yet, I am really wanting to complete the 9 days. Since, last year I almost completed it, but then my dearly mother went back home and I had to spend the remaining days with her and her side of the family.


St. Therese Of Child Jesus Quasi Parish

Simbang Gabi is a devotional, nine-day series of Masses attended by Filipino Catholics in anticipation of Christmas. It is similar to the nine dawn Masses leading to Christmas Eve practiced in Puerto Rico called Misa de Aguinaldo.

Source Wikipedia


During the Masses, some of the people were blinking slowly in the middle of homely and I think necause of how the voice of the priest is such a lullaby. And it keep me widely awake because I giggled silently every time I captured one. But don't get me wrong folks, even myself, I can't outrun the heavy weight of sleep pulling my eyelids to close.


As the days went by, it will challenge yourself to continue to attend the mass or choose to continue sleeping. And as for us, we sometimes came late, but not before the homely started. My grandmother told me that you must not missed the homely because it was the most important part of the mass.

The last 3 days of masses, the weather wasn't surely silent because it rains heavily but, it never stayed for a long minutes.



After the mass, the church gives a hot ginger tea to sip. I don't really like ginger tea that much, and after the masses I always drink milk. Sometimes, they serve sopas (macaroni soup). I never get the chance ti capture it, but believe me they serve the best soup.




I was actually mesmerized by the choir and also to those whose playing piano, and the electric guitar. I always sang along with them. They said if you completed the 9 days of Simbang Gabi, you can make a wish. Although, I am not a person to believe in that kind of sayings. Yet, I have made a wish. My wish for this new year 2023, that may the Lord guide me with my decisions. The peacefulness and contented happiness of life, only that I needed on my journey for the next year's chapters.

"I know that everybody has been struggling with the unfortunate event in our lives, we may be hurt and broken yet, PLEASE KEEP ON FIGHTING AND GOING, YOU HAVE A DREAM!"

In this year of 2023, may we bloom wild and magnificently just like how the roses has its thorns. A happy new year folks!

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