Goals To Achieve In September

Are you a goal-oriented type of person? Do you often set up monthly goals and commit yourself to achieving them? How often do you track your progress? Do you even celebrate your little achievements? If so, how?

I have known for being a goal-setter myself. I began setting up some goals when I started to learn the value of HODL. Since my goal is to accumulate a certain amount of BCH and other cryptos, I make plans on how to achieve them. You can't just say you want a house of your own without even planning how to make it happen. You need to have plans and strategies to help you figure out how to make this goal a reality.

I track them using an excel sheet, but this is for the earnings alone. I used to track them per article, but I stopped doing it for a long time since it's quite tedious. Nonetheless, tracking the earnings solely inspires me better. By the end of the month, whether I achieve them or not, I make time to rest afterward. Doing multiple tasks a day is never easy, so I always reward myself with a day off. Of course, whenever I failed at a certain goal, I make sure to improve myself in the following month.

For those who didn't know me, I am actually from read.cash. I have been on that platform since August 2020 and am always grateful to be a part of that community. Because of read, I learned how to be a goal-oriented person and how good I am at reaching them. So in this article, let me share with you the goals I want to achieve this month:


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To publish at least 20 articles this month. Unfortunately, I started writing a bit late, so I don't think I'll be able to achieve this one this month. Well, there's still enough time, though, so we'll see how many articles I can publish by the end of the month.


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Since I'm more active on read.cash, my goal is to be able to publish at least 25 by the end of the month. So far, I skipped twice when my nephew was sick, but hopefully, it won't happen again.


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For those who have not heard about this before, noise.cash is a microblogging platform that allows you to earn BCH. It's similar to Twitter but better since it pays for your interactions and original content. My goal for this platform is to be active again and be able to make noise at least every 3-5 hours, depending on my availability, of course.


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Torum is another crypto platform that gives you the opportunity to earn XTM. This platform is like Facebook, specially designed for crypto enthusiasts worldwide. By completing a mission every day, you could accumulate some XTM as easily as 1,2,3.

Wombat Dungeon Master

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Wombat Dungeon Master is a multi-chain idle NFT staking game that runs on both Wax and Eos. I have been mining here since it started, but last month, I wasn't able to mine as often as I used to. This time, my goal is to mine more to get a decent amount of WAX.


Closing thoughts

Setting up some goals has always been one of my favorite things to do since I joined read, and hopefully, I could also apply this on Hive. This helps me motivated. Although they may seem pretty attainable, when laziness kicks in sometimes, it's going to hard to be productive at all. Still, I hope that by the end of the month, I will complete the goals with flying colors.

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All photos included in this article are mine and/or edited on canva unless stated otherwise.


You can also follow me on:

read.cash | noise.cash | Publish0x | Torum | Twitter

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