Simplest Joys and Treasured Moments-Bonding With my Kids

Leo Christopher

Time is the most precious thing we have. How we spend it and who we spend it with matters most. Because time passed can never be taken back.

Quality time with my kids is one of the wisest ways of spending my time. They are not forever kids and they will not forever stay with us or even need us. They will grow to leave us one day and discover the world and create their own life. One day we will realize how time flies. I don't want to grow old regretting every moment for not making each moment special for them. Something that they will remember as the happiest days of their childhood.

Kids are the easiest people to please. As long as you listen to them, talk to them or play with them, they will be happy. They don't ask too much of you as their parents. All they need is your time and attention and of course food 😁

We usually bond over foods. On the weekend before christmas they randomly told me that they wanted to eat some french fries. Thankfully, there is a nearby snack house from home.

I took the kids to a local snack house. I could see the excitement on their faces as we walked towards the place. It is located just a few walks away from our home. It is an open area where tables and chairs are placed for customers to dine in and enjoy their snacks.


This is the area where we give our order.

The snack house offers different food snacks such as fries, squid balls,fish balls, kikiam, siomai and softdrinks. I ordered three servings of french fries for the kids and one serving of siomai for my self and two bottles of softdrinks. The food is cooked as you order so we need to wait for a few moments before the food will be served. We chose the table under the mango tree. It looked cool and natural.


While waiting, typical to kids that they kept on talking about random stuff and curious about things like the condiments on the table. The sweet and spicy labels caught their curiosity. So I need to explain to them what those labels mean. When you are with your kids you need to be loaded with full energy to level their energy too.


After a while, our food was served. They were excited and happy to finally taste their favorite fries. I love seeing them enjoy the simplest things in life like food. It made their stomach and my heart full just seeing them happy.Those authentic smiles melts my heart everytime.



After a while, rain showers started to fall. The rainwater was dripping on us so we asked the staff to have the beach umbrella opened to protect us from being drenched in the rain. And even that umbrella could not their curiuos minds. It amazed them how large the umbrella was. They asked me how comw we don not have that kind of umbrella. Sometimes their simple questions are the hardest to answer and explain. Hahah!😁


After they finished their snacks and when the rain stopped, we headed home. On the way, they keep on telling me that they want to come back again next time. Of course I said yes we will.


Our time together over food was full of talking, laughter, excitement and genuine smiles. This moment I consider most precious that I will forever treasure.

How about you? What's your bonding moment with your kids?

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