Hello hivers its me again your @bernabes, how's your day? It looks pretty good. I am here again bringing a new story of the day!


Today is the day that we planned to do our small business for school purposes only. But before that, I was walking here to wait for a bus.


Afterwards, I'm on the bus going to my friend's house. I am so excited to make my first small business. I know to myself that I'm not good at cooking but I have to try my best.

Then now I am walking again, and I'm planning to surprise her since I am late in what time we agreed to do. I saw the beauty of nature before I went her home. The fresh air under the sunny day made me more excited to witness the outcome our small business.


And finally, I arrived at her home safe. I saw her at the kitchen window eating for lunch. Her house look like the same of mine but I don't mind the status of our living as long as we're happy, simple, and contented of what we have, hits different. However, despite of having the same level of living, but we are rich in love and tenderness of our hearts. That's the real friend do.




Afterwards, we prepare all the ingredients such as the hotdogs, cheese, sliced bread, bread crumbs, oil, toothpicks and eggs. Jeann made the slide bread flat using the tumbler HAHAHA since we don't have the rolling pin, while I'm going to slice the hotdogs. After I sliced all the hotdogs, I scrambled the egg, and pour the bread crumbs in the other bowl. After cooking the sliced hotdogs I'm putting it on my sandwich with cheese.



We helped each other to make our new york rolls, then while she made the uncooked new york rolls, I cooked all the uncooked new york rolls with egg and breadcrumbs in the oil and waited to make it a golden brown.


After a few minutes of waiting the new york rolls are cooked and did it again until it's dry.The smell is good and tastes delicious but we don't need to try it because this is for our business HAHA. I am so excited to make this activity for the reason that I know to make my own business especially a handmade new york rolls. It is so challenging for me to do this snacks.



Since, everything is cooked, I take off all the toothpicks from the bread to serve it perfectly. Arrange in Tupperware properly. We're so excited to see the results of our business.

After we prepare our new york rolls, we're both happy to introduce and sell of our for first time of our business. The feelings that hard to explain, but the excitement can fulfill of our happiness.


Then now, we're going to sell it to the neighborhood, but in the first place, they are confused about our products HAHAHA. It seems like new for them. But after they try it, they like our new York roll. We're both so happy that we had the best snacks for them.


I learned from this activity, that bringing happiness is good to serve to others even in a small thing you can, it will be remarkable in their hearts. Creating a new set of memories that you will be forever cherish. After all of this, I found a new set of friends and learned more on how to socialize others.

This would be all for today my lovely co-hivers. I hope you enjoy my blog, see you on my next blog!! 🙂

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