September's Gift

A week before it all started, group chats from with different set of unknown people appeared on my messaging app. Though, they were honestly annoying group of loud immature kids as what I thought of them, when I was just observing silently. No open minded discussions and no useful tips for freshmen, all of the conversations were purely nonsensical, so I muted them. The only message I wanted to see at the time was a message stating my section and the start of classes.

I know for sure that I don't have patience for tolerating those noisy people as I'm fond of quiet and peaceful environment to study. And hey, on my first day of class, my initial plan was to left an impression that I'm a quiet and slightly mysterious person, not that friendly type. Anyway, after an introduction of ourselves, I failed on the plan immediately because I have meet one of the most interesting person on class. Having the same wavelengths on some aspects about life and business, after knowing what we do in life to support ourselves, we couldn't just stop sharing our experiences and perspectives. Then, one comes another one, and a whole new group of friends was made. I prayed to find a good group, and here they are!


Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels.

September 5, 2022 marked the day of our friendship. We've been through a series of ups and downs for the whole year after that, but we are still here in our second year in college, fighting strong together for our future. I'm wrong at one thing and that is I'm always quick to judge. It's the thing that I have tried hard to work out after that petty incident. It's not that I can only learn from the seniors, but there is also more to discover with the young bloods, and positivity is one of them.

They are the reasons why I'm still sane above the pressure and I keep on improving myself, trying to face my fears, and reaching greater heights despite the hindrances in my college journey. I could keep up and motivated to continue studying hard for I don't find it boring or unthrilling because of the fun they make in every meetings. No competetions, no dirty tricks, we just got each other's back. If only I could be with them and watch them grow into a successful person that they want to be in the future. They have all the potential and the ones they wanted is near their grasps already.

We different plans and paths to take. It's sad to think that there might be a chance that we can't graduate on the same school or some might drop out because of financial concerns. Whatever happens, I'll be rooting for their success. I believe in them as much as they believe in me. Those times where we are still knowing each other to test each other's company passed by in a glimpse of an eye. Now, we're comfortable in every way.

It the most memorable thing that September gave to me, the gift of friendship that made me pushed myself willingly beyond my limits. They made me realized that I don't have to compete with them but myself. We can study while having fun and helping each other grow.


September 29, 2023
🌸 ayane-chan

All of the photos in this blog are mine unless stated otherwise. Thank you taking some time to read. Have a good day!

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