Heyah fellow hivers here at Hive PH!

I am truly grateful for the Hive PH community's efforts in supporting Filipino bloggers to be the best at what we do on this platform. This contest serves as a self-evaluation of my blogging journey over the last few months. More than just starting my own blog, spending time reading, engaging with, and learning from the works of other bloggers was really beneficial. As a result, I was able to get tips on how to create unique, engaging, and informative blogs.


Background photo source:

I'm no expert yet, but here are some of the things I've learned along the journey. I've boiled it down into 4Cs to make it simple to understand and remember. Ready? Let's go!


Your blog title is the first thing readers will see, and it will make an immediate impression on them as to whether or not this site is worth reading. Creating a "catchy blog title" piques readers' interest. I previously had a long blog title that didn't seem to work, despite carefully produced content. There's just so much going on in the headline (lengthy title, hashtags, location), and we don't want to cause readers headaches, do we? Haha. To be honest, I regret doing so, but it was a valuable learning experience for me. With that error, I learned to keep it concise, precise, and interesting.

So, how do you come up with a catchy blog title? Well, I've discovered that incorporating catchy adjectives in your title is a great idea! This is something I discovered through the work of other bloggers. The perfect example is @fitlipinasarah's blog about this, "The underrated medieval destination on the Baltic sea blog." Using the word "underrated" makes you wonder why such a location is underrated, and people want to learn more about it. Also, blogs like @ybanezkim26's "instagrammable" adjective used in his blog piqued my interest as to why the place is so instagram-worthy. So, seek a suitable term for your blog that matches your blog topic perfectly! Avoid long, obvious, and boring captions. Keep your blog title interesting!


Photo source: my screenshot :)

Tips: You can search for numerous synonyms of your desired adjective for your blog title at


Your blog photo cover/preview is another factor that readers will notice. This will give them a glimpse of what you are about to share with the readers. You don't have to be a professional photographer to do this; just have a basic understanding of how to capture the image you want to share with the readers. Simply ensure that the photo is clearly captured. Always give credit to the owner or source when utilizing photographs that are not your own.

For my part, I've always strived to go the extra mile, even in the images I post on the blog. Before uploading, I edit and tweak the shot to create a specific mood for the image. By the way, there are numerous free apps available for download!. After I've finished editing, I make a photo collage and scribble on my photos to give them more "life." Be creative, but don't go overboard.

Tips: Try VSCO, RNI Films, and Lightroom for photo editing, and Picsart, Canva, and Unfold for photo collages. These are my personal favorites because they are so simple to use and you can edit on your phone!


Photo source: Famisafe


Do not reveal the obvious to your readers. Begin your story with a warm welcome and a brief introduction or background to the readers. After that, you can progressively tell them your story. Express your ideas, emotions, and sentiments about your encounter as if you were speaking to a friend. But not a harsh type of friend, please. Haha! Just be real and raw when sharing. Creatively share your discoveries, processes, and adventures in your blog. Captivate their hearts by connecting with them. I'm not sure if I should say this, but don't be narcissistic because, to be honest, no one cares! Haha. Rather than being the center of attention, focus on your experiences and lessons learned.

Another thing to think about is the blog format. Captivate them with your story by creating a well-organized blog format. This blog from @ybanezkim26 has more information about formatting techniques. Then, If you are unsure about your English grammar, you can use the Grammarly app to check your comprehension and grammar.

Last but not least, make sure to create original content; plagiarism is strictly prohibited on this platform. Nothing is more valuable than your one-of-a-kind content!


Photo source: my screenshot :)

Tips: To ensure the security of your blog, use a free plagiarism checker online, such as, and you're good to go!
Also, use relevant hashtags for your story and share it with the appropriate community!

Lastly, connect. Don't just post content; engage in the community, explore other communities, participate in contests like these, and start conversations with other bloggers in the comment section. For me, the most interesting portion of my blog is the conclusion. I ask readers questions at the conclusion to urge them to contribute their ideas as well. Just like this…

How do you feel about this? How do you make your blogs better? What factors do you consider before starting a blog? But most importantly, have fun! Enjoy creating and improving yourself. You will get there. We will get there, soon :)


Background photo source:

Tips: Explore and subscribe to communities on the platform, and participate in contests! Be consistent and engage in other posts as well.

That's it!

Thank you for reading my blog entry, hivers. I hope you find my blog entry useful. I'm excited to see you craft your own blog like a pro! I'm also looking forward to learning more from my fellow hivers here in hive ph.

Stay safe and creative!

Hello! Thanks for reading.
~see you on my next adventure, until then!Paalam!~



Hi I'm Carla, an Architect by profession but a real-foodie in nature. I'd like to see the world as an art, full of mystery, wonder, and beauty worth living and exploring. I believe that each of us has unique gifting that could help make this world a better place.

Thanks for reading! If my content made you 😁, then drop some ❤️ by upvoting and leaving a comment. Also, click the Follow button to keep posted on my journey here on Hive.

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