Do This To Be A Successful Writer

It is ironic that I always say that reading and writing is not my passion, yet I am here, writing and discussing to be a successful writer.
I, myself, is not a successful and professional but still trying and thriving. I want to share the things that I learned after reading some articles from Medium. The keys and ways to be a successful writer.

Consistency is the Key

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I have read more than ten blogs and articles about being successful, and consistency is always included on the list. It is the main ingredient and will always be part of the success not only in writing but also in other aspects of life.

In school, you will learn mostly everything if you read and study constantly. As they said, practice lessens your mistakes. Book worms and writers want to keep the momentum of being consistent with their work.

In fact, some people are choosing writing over their full time job just to be consistent with their passion. I believe that consistency gives a huge contribution as part of the success.


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Personally, watching videos from YouTube and other social media platforms is my hobby, especially if it is advice from successful people. One thing that I noticed from them is that they always mention the books that will be helpful for personal growth and self-development. The person who is reading is successful, hence, I think it is best if we will follow their footsteps.

Reading means a lot, it is not only about reading but it can also give you more ideas on what-to-write. It can also enhance your vocabulary and improve your knowledge on everything.

Furthermore, you can get a new way or strategy on how you will write your contents. This is my way of getting new ideas for my next content. I usually do the same thing for my outline and sequence of the parts of my blogs and articles.

Improve someone’s work

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I know that some of you also read other peoples work, and you can actually get some ideas from their content. I do not mean to plagiarize their work, but only to improve it.

For example, if someone published a blog, read it. If you see some imperfections and inadequacy, you can write a note and add it to your content. By doing this, you are giving yourself a topic and fulfill the lacking information of others' work.

On the other hand, you should not copy their work because it is a sign of disrespectful and might lead to a serious case. Remember, you only need to improve, not to copy.

Time Management

Photo from TodaySoftMag
Managing your time would be helpful if you are a writer. Writing is not a simple thing, you need to do research, check the errors, use the best keyword, and make it simpler. In this case, you will consume a lot of time to write a single piece of content. Thus, you need to learn time management and use your time wisely.

Not to mention, there are people who make their schedule for writing every week to accomplish the things that they need to do from researching, editing and writing.

Learn to accept the feedback

Photo from SantaMariaRealEstateBlog

Some beginners are choosing to stop instead of pursuing their goal once they receive negative feedback. This behavior must stop and learn to resist the bad comments from other readers.

You know, criticism is everywhere—it is sad but we need to accept it. Instead of taking it negatively, you should take it as constructive criticism and use it as your motivation. Try to use it to improve your content.


Frankly, there are a lot of things to know before you achieve success. One thing that you need to learn is trusting yourself and your content. Never give up because it will not cause you anything. Keep doing your passion and continue what you started.

Lastly, you should not compare your work to others negatively as it can cause frustration and lack of motivation. Everyone has their own way of writing, the only difference is the strategy.

I want to say hello to @juanvegetarian and @tpkidkai. Looking forward for more interaction with you, guys. Thank you for the active comment on my last blog. I didn't manage to reply because of low resource credits.

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