Happy Birthday Dearest Son 💗


As the first-time parent of this amazing son, we always make sure that we will let him experience the things that we never experienced before but not to the point of being wasteful. With God's grace, we are doing our best to give him everything that he needed. Good thing that I have my work and also my husband has so we can do it. I am always grateful that I get married to a guy who is very responsible and a goal digger individual because as long as he can he gives us the best life that we could ever have.


Good day, Hiveians! I know all of us here will celebrate birthdays most especially the birthdays of our children. So, for today's blog, I'm gonna share with you our simple yet memorable birthday celebration of our only SON-shine. Just sit back and enjoy reading guys!


Just a day before my son's birthday, I humbly asked my mother to buy the necessary things needed for the menu that she will be cooking like spaghetti, pancit or a dish made with noodles, lumpia or spring rolls, and for the tarpaulin which I informed earlier the one who will make it. She also bought a kilo of shrimp, bananas, and sweet potatoes. All in all, it's worth 3000 pesos or 54.03$. My auntie (Godmother of my son) is assigned to order the lechon belly the smaller version of lechon or the roasted pig. I gave her 3000 pesos but the rolled pork belly is only worth 2500 pesos or 45.02$.


Although his dada is not present on this 3rd birthday of our son through video call, it's possible for us to feel his presence who is far away from us. We appreciated his great effort in working away just to provide us with everything.



In the beginning, I am confused as to where we are going to celebrate his birthday. But since we love going to the beach, it's the best destination to go to then. I chose Half Moon Beach Resort because of the ambiance which is not a threat to the scorch of the heat coming from the sun. We rented a cottage worth 400 pesos or 7.20$ which had enough space for our belongings to be placed on.



These are the delicious food that we ate together. We had a sumptuous lunch with this Filipino Cuisine. I am thankful for my mother and stepfather who cooked this yummy food. Indeed, celebrating my son's birthday in this way makes him the happiest because he has the chance to have a bonding with his cousins too with great food. Maybe next time if God permits we will prepare packed lunch for the street children.

That's my plan actually but some of the money that we have for it is we prioritized for the full payment of the land that we purchased nearby the school where I worked. Despite this, we are thankful for this opportunity that we have celebrated our son's birthday in this way.



This time is the best time for us to have a picture with all the important people present today. A simple celebration that makes everybody's stomach full and turns frowns upside down. Sharing the borrowed blessings that we have is the best feeling then.



While looking at them, reminds me of my childhood when my late grandfather used to bring me to the sea. He used to catch fish, crabs, etc. I am patiently waiting until his done and returned home. We went there on foot. It took 1 hour to get there but since I am younger at that time it feels me so much excitement then. Therefore, savoring the moment where you are is a must thing to do because the time wasted cannot be replaced again.


Rest assured, as a parent we are very happy that we can provide the necessary things for our children. Making them happy will make us happy too. They are once a child, let them be and let them enjoy their precious moment as well. With God's divine intervention, everything is possible. To God be the Glory!

That's all for today's blog my dear fellow bloggers. Thank you so much for reading until here guys. See you on my next blog. Stay safe and God bless everyone 💗

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