“From Dreams to Reality: My Personal Odyssey”

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Behold, for I am Chuss Lee Malay, a melody woven from the tapestry of dreams, a wanderer in the labyrinth of existence, and a seeker of truths hidden in the shadows of perception.

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My age is eighteen, and I have two siblings. I am the eldest among the rest. I'm a grade 12 student about to graduate. I'm an outgoing person who enjoys interacting with others, forming new friendships, and many other things. You may be surprised to learn that I'm not very good at swimming; in fact, I detest the sport. Seafood is one of my favorite foods, but I am also allergic to it. My father is the one who taught me how to dance, and I was a majorette in my childhood.

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My academic record is good, and since elementary school, I have been an honor student.

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When I entered the senior high school life I met a lot of new friends but there are 4 person who really have a special place in my heart, they are important to me because they are one of the people who help me through my journey. And my goal in life is to become a doctor. My desire to continue on that course at some point piqued my curiosity, and it inspires me to excel in everything. Being a lawyer was another goal of mine. Although individuals changed, my purpose is to assist the impoverished in obtaining justice in life. One of my many life objectives that I adore establishing is being wealthy.

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My goal is to provide a better life than my family has ever known. And I am aware that my dreams are drawing nearer.

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When I was still a child my passion is already dancing, it makes me feel relaxed and happy at the same time. I started dancing when I was 5 years old I used to join Ms. Cayam and my talent is actually dancing and my Papa is the one who taught me and practiced with me, I also joined majorette when I was in kinder, after that I started to love dancing, K-pop is also my biggest inspiration to like dancing, I am so amaze with their dance steps that I want to follow it, as time goes by Dancing became one of my passion.

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The sport badminton also takes my interests I love playing badminton especially when I feel stressed. I started to play badminton during elementary days I joined badminton because of my friend I really don’t have any idea or experience in playing this sport at that time, but as I practice I’m starting to like it and it became one of my sports that I am really good. And there’s more I am also good in Arts especially calligraphy, poster making, painting and designing this is one of my very passion because it really makes me happy everytime I do something connected to Arts and I don’t know why maybe it’s just because it’s one of my talent that I wanted to enhance in the future. Let’s talk about my hobbies, so one of my hobbies are watching kdrama all the time, my favorite kdrama like really my top tier is Scarlet Heart Ryeo, I won’t share it because you really must watch it, I’m telling you it’s a very very good movie.

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My hobby is also eating, shhh.

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I joined Hive because I thought it looked interesting; it really captured my interest and all of my senses, so I thought I would give it a go. I used to overthink things, or maybe my body is genuinely driven by curiosity. What's going on in the hive, I wonder? In order to quench my curiosity and pique my interest, I ultimately made the decision to join Hive. In addition, I've heard from my classmates that Hive is an excellent platform for individuals who enjoy creating blogs. I genuinely want to join Hive because I want to improve my writing abilities.


I am confident that I can contribute many things, like my effort in making posts, audience engagement, analytics, content promotion, and collaboration. I can contribute my full effort in making my contents to post and my effort in promoting Hive with others, as well as engaging with the audience to support our blogs and to support my family in Hive to help them boost their engaging contents. Also, we can’t forget to follow the rules and regulations on this platform. In that way, we have already set a good example for others, and I can contribute interesting content that will catch the audience's attention and interest.

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Prior to Ma'am @chimegipamus visiting our classroom and introducing the Hive platform to all of us, I truly had no knowledge about this platform or even that it ever existed. I'll admit that I'm not very good at creating blogs, so it didn't really grab my attention at first. However, when my classmate @Dark.rose mentioned the Hive platform again, that's when my curiosity really started to grow. I asked her a ton of questions about the platform, including what Hive is like and how it works, among other things. I was already really interested in joining Hive at the moment.

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When I finally decided to join the Hive platform and attend the orientation, all of my questions were answered, and that’s because of Ma’am @chimegipamus. During the orientation, I was carefully listening to Ma'am @chimegipamus, who explains everything to us and gives us knowledge about what we are going to do, what are the dos and don'ts are, and also helps us learn how to make our blog more engaging and how to be a good member of Hive. She also explains to us the rules that should be followed and the things that should not be tolerated on the platform. Ma’am @chimegipamus is a very considerate person during our orientation, and she is very nice to us and explains everything to us very carefully so that we can really understand everything.

As I draw to a close, let us never forget that supporting one another is what will always make us stronger.

Let’s wrap this up and continue our engaging conversations in my next story.

I'm very grateful that you took the time to read my blog post introduction. I'm excited for our upcoming insightful talk. Stay tuned for more interesting dialogues and captivating stories that will pique your attention!

See you! and have a nice day!

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