A Compilation of Hive Engine Tokens That Give Liquid Hive Rewards to Holders

If you're looking for Hive Engine tokens that give out liquid Hive for holding, this is a compilation of those tokens and their respective communities that give out liquid Hive as dividends. I'm making this list for future reference and you're welcome to have this bookmarked too.


I scheduled this post to be published on inleo frontend but it didn't happen at the time set. At the time of this writing, the feature to check scheduled posts isn't available on inleo frontend so I can't tweak it. If you see me double posting the same topic, please downvote~


This post serves to inform about the projects that exist on Hive and isn't intended as a financial advise. You should still do your own research before sinking your money into any project. I'm only sharing what I know and if your community project doesn't get mentioned, I probably didn't know about it. Added disclosure: I hold some of the tokens featured under this post.

The other limitations include:

  • I'm only mentioning tokens that give holders liquid Hive as rewards. These rewards are variable.
  • Projects that give out their own community tokens as rewards in exchange for delegations are excluded.
  • Projects that have yet to distribute liquid Hive rewards are excluded.

BRO Token
Issued by @raymondspeaks with the official community account @brofund from the The Man Cave Project Community.

Taken from the community's about page:

This is a community for people involved with (or interested in) The Man Cave Project. This is a general community because we understand that whilst we are all focused on finance and earning, our interests and hobbies may differ. We are generally looking for interesting posts about creation and overcoming. Votes will be heavily swayed towards holders of BRO because this helps us focus and reward active members of our community and people that are interested in our vision, and not people "here for the rewards man!"

Do you get votes for holding the token? Yes.
Are the votes guaranteed? No. It's a side perk.
Dividends: Weekly

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BXT Token
Issued by @beeswap from the exchange BeeSwap Exchange and BXT Whitepaper

Staked BXT holders earn from a portion of the exchange's fees collected from Hive Conversions.

Do you get votes for holding the token? No.
Dividends: Daily

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DAB Token
Issued by @dab-treasury and the official community account @dailydab with a token introduction post

DailyDab is an income token at its heart that rewards DAB token holders with a daily HIVE drip.

Do you get votes for holding the token? No.
Dividends: Daily

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SIM Token
Issued by @dcitygame from an NFTgame dCity

dCity is a city simulator game based on Hive-Engine Non-Fungible Tokens. The NFTs represent assets in the game. Each individual card is a building, citizen, etc., and the total collection of your cards is your city. dCity allow players to optimize their cities in terms of buildings, population and income.

You only need to hold an average of 8000 SIM tokens for 30 days.

Do you get votes for holding the token? No.
Dividends: Daily

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LGN Token
Issued by @wearelegion with an introduction post

Legion is designed, is to compliment BRO and vice versa. Non inflationary utility token for the BRO economy. You will be dripped hive for holding this.

Do you get votes for holding the token? No.
Dividends: Daily

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CROP Token
Issued by @dcrops with its introduction post

It's an NFT farming game.

Do you get votes for holding the token? No.
Dividends: Daily

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Issued by @ecoinstats with its introduction post

Do you get votes for holding the token? Yes.
Are the votes guaranteed? No, it's variable and should be considered as a side perk than a guaranteed outcome.
Dividends: Daily

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PIMP Token
Issued by @pimptoken with its PIMP's post, whitepaper and community page.

PIMP itself, is a token and assuming you have enough PIMP staked to breech the dividend sharing percentages, we share more tokens with you than any other organization, tribe or community on Hive. We are on the top 20 of over a dozen rich lists in holdings and mete most of them out to our PIMPs (95% of our daily proceeds). We hide nothing, there is no 'behind the scenes' sus bullshit going on. I tell it like it is and keep anyone informed that wants to take the time to hear it.

Do you get votes for holding the token? No. But you can delegate to get some votes for supporting the community based on the amount delegated.

Delegate HP to @tokenpimp for a PIMPed out vote (vote based on size of delegation) - source

Are the votes guaranteed? No, it's a side perk and not a guaranteed outcome.
Dividends: Daily

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EDS Token
Issued by @eds-holdings with its EDS post and the latest post from @eddie-earner at the time of this writing. The project is tied to SPI token with an official account @spinvest.

Do you get votes for holding the token? Yes by holding 200 at least EDS. You can also delegate a minimum of 1000 HP to @eds-vote account to earn some EDS tokens weekly.

Are the votes guaranteed? No, it's variable and should be considered as a side perk than a guaranteed outcome.
Dividends: Weekly

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I didn't want to stretch the page too much. I shared some links about these projects for your further reading because it's still going to be a DYOR moment. Thanks for your time.

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