Sharing a Scottish Cavalier on Burger Beer Saturday

Sharing a Scottish Cavalier on Burger Beer Saturday

Sometimes we just want simplicity

Back to the basics without the fake nonsense

On Saturday I just wanted a good honest old fashioned pint of beer. No more fake nonsense no more people trying to scam your wallet no I just wanted a boyhood pint!

The beer in question was the first beer I ever had in a pub and also the first beer I ever drank!

Maybe that signified my cavalier approach to life!

So the beer today is McEwans Export which dates back to Edinburgh and 1856. But no the pint I had was not from then!

Dark beer is my favourite, give me an ale or a stout over light lager beer any day of the week.

I don't know about you, but I was feeling quite McNificent so I wanted some of this 🍻

However there is a story as to why I had this on Saturday night!

There was nothing in the house that I fancied making for dinner and Mrs T said she wanted some meat.

Right said I , and with money in my greasy paws I popped off to the nearest shop and came back with ...

Burgers and Beer A classic combination...

So yes I brought back 2 Steak burgers and a four pack of McEwans Export.

The local shop happens to be a Tesco Express and that was the only decent burger I could find and the beer, well look what the size was...

568 ml which for some of you might seem odd but the Brits amongst the audience should know that 568 ml is infact the same as ONE PINT

So yeah, these cans were in fact


This then is what the full 1 pint can looked like ...

Tell us about the beer Tengo!

I said it was first brewed in Edinburgh in 1856 at the Fountainbridge brewery, I often would walk past the area coming home from school,and the smell man, damn I can smell it now!

Yes in 1856 William McEwan decided to start his own brewery and he did just that.

OVer the years though, there have been loads of mergers and takeovers and I think it is now Carlsberg Marston owned...

I have lost track to be honest.

What I do know is that as you saw from the label, McEwans Export is a 4.5 % ABV dark beer that is full bodied and sweet.

McEwan's used a cavalier mascot which is broadly based on the Frans Hals painting, the [Laughing Cavalier](McEwan's used a cavalier mascot, broadly based on the Frans Hals painting, the Laughing Cavalier portrait) portrait.

It is Scotland's biggest selling canned ale and in the top ten for the UK I believe.

Yes that is my favourite glass at the moment, courtesy of the Newcastle - Amsterdam ferry!

I did mention burgers earlier, so whilst I was quaffing the first beer, the burgers were frying nicely!

Then it was time to serve up...

Yes looking tasty, but wait I nearly forgot the all important beer!

Scottish Burger and Scottish Beer

Ah yes here we go now!

Cheese on the bun and melted on the burger served on a bed of baby green leaves with red onion tomatoes and chips on the side...

All accompanied with a tasty glass of McEwans Export ale...


The burger was fluffing amazing and cooked to perfection. Mrs T loved as expected, after all it was me cooking it all!

The beer ... well ....

As always a Yes and of course I will be buying again!

Scary thought, I wonder over the years how many thousands of pounds equivalent I have spent buying McEwans Export!


Posting about a beer on a Saturday on the Beer Community ....

It is a whole bunch of fun, so check out The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 376 from the one and only @detlev.

Being Scottish I know how important a part alcohol played in caring for people!

So this #BeerSaturday week I would like to invite @asiaymalay to share a beer she is having in Singapore with us!

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo Photos taken with smartphone.
@tengolotodo September 16th 2024 (7 Premium 2 VR)


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