Newcastle Brown Ale drunk in Newcastle England

Hello Hello Hivians

Women they drive you to drink ...

Do you agree?

Ach who am I kidding šŸ¤£ The wonderful @coquicoin posted Beer with or without gluten. Do they taste the same? and invited me to participate in this week's beer challenge ... week 163 it is!!

Seriously good going and thanks @detlev for doing this and having the BEER community.

It is a whole bunch of fun, so check out The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 363

I remember Detlev from way back in the early days of tsu, and he was always helpful there, so it is no surprise that he is carrying on the pinmapple legacy with the worldmappin community!

As Super Eli did say in her post all about Estrella Galicia which is a beer that I did drink when I worked in Galicia in the north west of Spain, I have just come back from holiday and did have a cheeky wee beer or three!

Let's go drinking in NewcastlešŸ»


I have lived and worked all over the place, so much so that no place is really home for me.

When I was working in the South of England, Newbury to be precise, I was friends with guys from Middlesbrough and Newcastle...

They thought that Southern beer tasted like pissy dishwater so would drink the beer we are going to talk about today!


This was us staying in Newcastle (Newcastle upon Tyne to give it's full title which shall become apparent in a wee minute) before we got a ferry to Amsterdam. It was time for a cheeky wee beer!

Fun Fact ... In all my years of drinking Newcastle Brown or Newkie Brown as it is often called outside the North East. I had never drunk one in Newcastle...

Geordies call it Broon or Dog ... do you know why?

Well let the pouring commence...

Did you notice the big glass...

That was actually a gin and tonic for Mrs T, fluffing big it was.

Did you notice the Ale.... I only filled half the glass. That is because back in the day, I was taught to drink it via a half pint glass and to take it from the shelf not the fridge!

I love dark beers or ales especially at room temperature, I find out that is where the taste comes out. All these lagers or light beers that are super chilled have no real taste to me, a bit like why I generally prefer a room temperature glass of red wine to chilled white wine!

I fluffing digress!

Throw me off a bridge I say....

A what you say ....

The Tyne bridge I say .... Do you see the bridge in the blue star on the glass ....

Yes I got fed up not having a small glass so just poured it all in the glass....

Back to the bridge ... it is iconic and the River Tyne was only a hop skip and a jump from the hotel.


The Tyne bridge .... The bridge in the blue star on the glass ....

The river Tyne has lots of bridges over it as you can see from that picture I took.

It is quite fortuitous that I introduce the Tyne bridge on a Detlev community as I will later on make a worldmappin community post about Newcastle.

The point where I took that picture was about a couple of hundred yards from our hotel.

In fact you can see the river down the alley from our hotel. Yep the river Tyne and the iconic Tyne bridge are all over the city.

I do have pictures I took with my camera that I will be using on my worldmappin post.

So in the meantime, let's answer one question....

Do you see the 5 pointed star on the label?

I never knew the significance of the stars, it was to denote the five main breweries in Newcastle...

Interestingly enough, we were going to Amsterdam home of Heneiken which also has a 5 pointed star .... What is their significance .... ? Find out in my next #beersaturday post!


This is #BeerSaturday week and I would like to invite @asiaymalay to write a post in any language about beer with at least 3 pictures.

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo Photos taken with Mrs T's smartphone.
@tengolotodo June 18th 2024 (June 4 Premium 1 VR)


Haste Ye Back!

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